...do i know you?

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"What if we splash water on'm." Techno said, Phil and i just glared at him.

"now what about splashing water on the boy that's allergic to water seems smart techno, come on, let's just sit him up and wait it out, surely he can't be out too much longer." Phil said, Techno picked Ranboo up and sat him against the tree.

"Harvey, go with the boys, we'll take him back once he's up." Phil said, i could see the sadness in his eyes.

"ok, please let me keep my promise." I said, i knew that breaking promises was not what tubbo needed right now.

[[[[[[[[[[-Purpleds POV-]]]]]]]]]]

"Come on Tubbo." I said, opening to door for him and Leading him inside the house.

Tubbo laid down in the bed in the corner of the room, Tommy decided he didn't want to go to bed so we sat on the floor next to his own bed and just talked.

"you think he's dead?" He asked, leaning his head against the frame.

"hell no, there's no way he's dead he's so tall losing that little blood will just be like getting a shot, he'll be fine." I said, i wasn't sure if i was convincing Tommy or myself, Ranboo and i have been best friends our entire lives, our parents where extremely close but when they both died on a trip together we didn't know what to do (also considering the fact that we where literally 4 at the time). Until one day a man with big wings as well as his wife with the same feature, 3 kids and a strange man in a white and grey hoodie found us and took us back here.

"you sure? i mean, he is pretty clumsy i guess..." He said, toying with a broken piecing of wood slick out of the old bed.

"you think Tubbos gonna be ok?" He asked, Tubbo had been his best friend since he was 5, that's a hell of a long time now that i think about it.

"Yeah, he'll be fine." i said, exhaling sharply, i still wasn't sure about that one either, even though i was Ranboo for life best friend tubbo was still extremely clingy and often clung to Ranboo (and tommy when he let him).

"where are you going?" i asked, getting up after tommy.

"i'm gonna go to l'boyburg, stay here with tubs, he needs the company." He said, i knew he was probably going to get chewed out by wilbur for being out so long, he probably just wanted to get it over with.

"ok, i'll text you when hey bring Ranboo back." I said, he nodded and left.

+|+|+|+|+|+|Phils POV|+|+|+|+|+|+

"so? what are we gonna do?" I asked techno as he knelt down over the boy.

"i dunno, we could jus' wait it out." He said, His words being muffled by the bulky mask he wore. "what do you think happened?" He asked, sitting down, me following.

"we'll only know for sure once he's awake." I responded, leaning my head back against the tree.

After about an hour of waiting and waiting and waiting Techno decided he was done waiting. "I'm getting George." He said, jumping up from his seat.

"you getting who?" i asked, technically Techno was neutral but everyone knew he leaned more towards favoring l'manburg.

"i'm getting george, he's the only good one with potions and mumza is still out looking for Sally... for whatever reason." 

"no need to remind me." I yelled to him as he threw his bag back to me and simply took his small Gladius sword and the Flachion (gifted from mumza before she left) he kept in his harness.

 Mumza, or my wife kirstin, had left 2 months ago on a voyage to find Wilburs ex, Sally, she was her only daughter and knowing she could be dead without a proper funeral was breaking her, so she went on a trip to find her, she gave each of the boys little gifts for memories, Techno got the Flachion, he named it "mumzas favorite" (with arguments from Tommy and Will), Wilbur got an old journal she used to write in, she told him to read it and document her adventures, Tommy got a disc with a recording of kirstin singing her redemption of able sisters, he loves it, Tubbo got a Daisy, she told him that she would be back before the last petal fell, it was surprisingly still alive, and lastly Ranboo, she cared the most for Ranboo because of his trauma-filled past, so she gave him a journal for himself to write in, when she got back she would read it and write back to him.

"Hello?" I heard i looked a head from the daydreaming i was doing and saw Ranboo, alive and seemingly, well.

"Ranboo!! i need to call Techno!!" I said, running up to him and hugging him tightly.

"um...not to be rude or anything but, do i know you?" He asked, still taking the hug.

"um, come on, i'll take you to some on you oughtta know." I said, helping him up and started to lead him out of the forest.

"PHIL! PHIL WHERE ARE YOU! oh my god there dead, what if hey where kidnapped, oh my god what if dream took them-" a panicked voice said, i knew immediately it was Tommy.

"TOM! hey! we're just out here, i was about to walk him back..." i said, leading him back into the clearing and to where Tommy, Techno, Tubbo, Purpled and George stood.

"oh my god," Tubbo said, running up to Ranboo and hugging him tightly, Tommy and Purpled followed suit.

"holy shit big man, we thought you where dead." Tommy said, he tried to look cool but his eyes where still red from tears, i couldn't blame him though, like he said, he though Ranboo was dead.

"Tubbo!" he said, hugging the boys back.

"Tommy and Purpled, i know who they are!" He pointed, Tubbo smiled wildly, he seemed proud.

"wait, hold on does he not remember anything?" Techno asked, george just looked annoyed, or tired, or both.

"i don't think so, he didn't earlier..." Tubbo explained, Tommy and Purpled just looked happy their friend had still recognized them.

"Tubbo who are they? he was sitting next to me when i woke up." Ranboo explained, Their smiles slightly faltered.

"The one in the green is Phil, He's the one that found you and Purpled, that ones Techno, Tommys older brother, and...george, why's he here again?" He asked, george just shrugged and walked away.

"what do you mean found why where we lost?" He asked, the boys sort of made a mixed noise of an annoyed signs and a gasp.

"do we have to tell him his entire life story?" Tommy asked.

"i mean probably, let's get home first." I said, the boys nodded and followed me out of the forest.

"Thanks Phil, we'll update you." Purpled said, walking back to Tommys house, probably to do something stupid.

|^|^|^|^|^|^| Ranboo POV |^|^|^|^|^|^|

"wheres the other one? they had long dark brown hair sorta like Tubbos." I said, i knew who i was talking about they where the last thing i saw before falling asleep.

"Harvey? my sibling you mean? She stayed behind incase Phil was coming back already with you." Tubbo explained, "why?" He continued.

"cause she's the last person i saw before i...fell asleep or whatever." i said, i didn't exactly know what wording to use to explain that whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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