Chapter Fifteen

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*Six Months Later*

Taylor's POV

Today was the day I had been waiting for, the day long overdue. The day that had been robbed from me at the last possible moment, the day that should've been perfect nearly ten months ago had it not ended in tragedy. Today was my wedding day.

I was back in my dressing room with my bridesmaids - Karlie, Abigail, Selena and Britney. I was all dolled up and ready to walk down the aisle, but I had to wait until the wedding actually started. So basically, I was losing my mind in anticipation.

"Taylor, I can't believe you're getting married!" Britney exclaimed excitedly, and I nodded. I could hardly believe it either. I was grinning from ear to ear and bouncing on my toes, I just wanted to walk down the aisle already.

I still haven't remembered the actual accident, or anything about the day was originally going to be the day I married Ed. After I remembered his proposal, the memories sort of stopped coming back. At first, I was upset by this, but after awhile, I realized that I didn't need those memories to marry Ed, or to make me happy. I would be just fine without them, as long as I was with Ed.

Just then, my mom walked into the room, and tears immediately started to fill her eyes when she saw me.

"Oh, Taylor, come here," she murmured, arms opened wide, and I gave her a hug. "I can't believe my little girl's getting married. But Ed's gonna take such good care of you, I know he is." There were a couple of awwh's from behind us as my friends all watched on.

Then, there was a knock on the door, and my mom and I pulled away. "Come in!" I called, and the wedding director stepped inside the room.

"Are you ready to start your wedding?" She asked excitedly, and I nodded, almost jumping up and down. My bridesmaids and I all followed her out of the room up to the front of the church, where we then took our places. I was at the very back of the line, next to my dad, who was already in tears.

"My little girl's all grown up," he said, wiping his eyes. I grinned and nodded, trying not to cry myself. He gave my hand a tight squeeze and we stood in an anxious silence as we waited for the wedding to begin.

Finally, the music started playing, and the first pair of bridesmaids and groomsmen began walking down the aisle. Slowly but surely, another one followed. And then the third one after that. And after what seemed like forever, the fourth and final pair. Then it was my turn.

As I rounded the corner and Ed came into view, I almost started crying. He looked flawless, and I could see that he was just as excited as I was, grinning ear to ear.

All of a sudden, I felt the same urge to close my eyes as I did the day I remembered Ed's proposal. Trying to still walk as straight as possible, I shut my eyes, and immediately I saw myself in the passenger seat of a car, with Ed in the driver's seat. As a surprise to me, we pulled up outside my favorite cafe. In anticipation, I unbuckled my seatbelt excitedly, wanting to get out of the car and run inside. Ed turned around in his seat to check his parking job, and that's when it happened - a sudden crash that sent me flying, and then...nothing, except complete and total darkness.

My eyes flew back open, and this time I really did start crying. Luckily though, we were at the end of the aisle, and as my dad went to place my hand in Ed's, I flung myself into my fiancé.

"Ed, I remembered, I remembered everything, I remembered the day that was supposed to be our wedding day, I remember going to the cafe, I remembered, the crash, I remember everything," I said hurriedly, clinging onto him like my life depended on it and trying not to cry for fear of ruining my makeup.

"Oh my god, Taylor, that's amazing!" He placed a soft kiss on my head, and I grinned, still clutching onto him. "It's alright, love, you're gonna be alright," he murmured, rubbing my back for a few moments.

"Are you ready to get married, love?" He asked, and I immediately perked up, somehow I had almost forgotten. I nodded as I straightened up, clutching onto his hands. Ed grinned at me as he gave both my hands a tight squeeze, and I bit my lip as I tried to hold back tears.

"We are gathered here today in holy matrimony to celebrate the marriage of Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift," the preacher began, but that was really all I listened to. The rest of the time, I kept my gaze locked with Ed's, grinning from ear to ear.

Eventually, we got to the vows, and Ed went first.

"Taylor Alison Swift, I love you so much, darling. I promise to love you for as long as my life allows, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poor, I will always love you, so so much, and nothing will ever change that." He had tears brimming in his eyes, and I'm sure tears were already steaming down my cheeks.

"Edward Christopher Sheeran, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I vow to love you for as long as I live, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poor, I will always love you, always." I clutched onto his hands even tighter.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife," I immediately burst into tears here," and you may now kiss the bride." I practically threw myself onto Ed, holding my arms so tight around his waist and kissing him with such a passion that I knew immediately could never be paralleled. His hands pressed to my back and I could feel him grinning into the kiss, with him kissing back just as hard as I was.

When we pulled away, I fell into his chest, sobbing freely. "I love you so much, Ed, I love you." I clung so tight to him, never ever wanting to let go. "Finally! I'm finally your wife, I..." I was at a loss for words. I have never been happier in my entire life than I was in that moment.

"I love you too, Taylor, I love you so, so much." He was crying just as hard as I was. "You're my wife now, we're finally married to each other...I couldn't possibly be more happy if I tired, love." We stood holding each other tight for a few moments before walking out of the church and to the waiting car that would take us to the reception.

Once I had settled down in the car, and Ed was next to me, I threw my arms around him, holding him tight. "I love you so. much. And I remembered everything! I know everything about you, everything that I'm supposed to, everything that I did before! I love you, Ed, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone and now I'm married to you! I'm married to Edward Christopher Sheeran, the man of my dreams, my best friend, I...Ed, I've never been this happy in my entire life, never have I been as happy as I am right now. I love you."

"Taylor, I love you too, I love you so much. You're my wife! Your last name is the same as mine, we're now legally related! Neither have I, I've never been this happy, and I know that nothing could ever parallel just how happy and in love I am with you. I've waited so long for this, and I'm so glad that I'm done waiting. I love you, Mrs. Sheeran," Ed told me, placing a kiss on my forehead, and I giggled.

"I love you too, Mr. Sheeran, I really, really love you too."

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