Chapter Twenty Three

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Taylor's POV

I sat in my husband's lap, my head against his chest and his arms held tightly around me.

Even though I was technically clear to be dismissed from the hospital, the nurses here were nice enough to let us stay until we could take Grace home with us. Today she's being released from the NICU and we get to bring her up to our hospital room, and then if everything goes well, we get to bring her home tomorrow!

"I can't wait to bring her home," I said aloud, repeating what I've already said hundreds of times in the time since we've been here.

"Neither can I, love," Ed agreed and placed a kiss on my head and I smiled.

We sat in an impatient silence for a few more minutes until a nurse came to tell us we could go down and see her. I grabbed Ed's hand excitedly as I jumped out of bed. This would be the last time we have to do this, after this we won't need to make trips down to the NICU because she'll be in the same room as us, and then she'll be at home with us. I practically skipped all the way to the elevator, excitedly dragging Ed behind me as he chuckled at my obvious excitement.

"You're the cutest thing I think I've ever seen," he told me as we stood in the elevator, and I grinned, leaning over and giving him a kiss.

"I love you." I kissed him again just as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I took his hand in mine again and led him down to Grace's room in the NICU. This time he had been skipping among just as fast as I was, and I could tell he was just as overjoyed and excited as me.

I gave Ed an excited look before pushing the door open and stepping inside. Ed shut it behind him and then we walked over to Grace, still hand in hand. The second I laid eyes on her, the edges of my eyes started to water. It was astonishing to me how much she had grown and how much better her condition had gotten and not to mention, I still couldn't believe I was a mom to such a beautiful little girl.

Ed kissed my cheek before dropping my hand and reaching over to pick her up. He drew Grace close to his chest and I grinned at how happy he looked. My husband was holding our daughter and every time I witnessed it, I could barely believe it. It all seemed so surreal to me.

I took a step forward and leaned against Ed, looking down at Grace, who was now between us.

"She's so perfect," Ed murmured, and I grinned and nodded in agreement.

Just then, a nurse knocked on the door, and Ed and I both gave a nod of approval that she could come in.

"Are you two ready to take Grace back to your room?" She asked us, and I grinned and nodded.

First, she had to check a few things, like the baby's vitals to make sure she really was clear to go back to our room. When the nurse was finished, we finally got to bring Grace up to our room, where a bassinet was waiting. We set her down carefully, and I leaned backwards a little into Ed's chest. His arms fells around my shoulders and I smiled. I was so much more relieved now that Grace was going to be right here next to me.

The nurse must've silently left the room because when we turned around, she wasn't there.

"Look at her, she's so perfect and she's ours, shes all ours," I said, smiling. "Thank you so much, Ed. I have such a perfect life; I've got the perfect husband and now I've got the most perfect little daughter I could've asked for."

"She wouldn't be here without you, so I should really be thanking you, love." He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and I grinned uncontrollably.

"I love you Ed."

"I love you too, beautiful girl."

A/N: Sorry this is just sort of a filler, I've been having really bad writers block and I don't know where to take the story. Feel free to leave suggestions! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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