Chapter Twenty One

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*Two Months Later*

Taylor's POV

"Come here, love," my husband offered with open arms as he sat on the bed. I was quick to crawl into them, as it had been a long day and I certainly needed his comfort.

I immediately snuggled into his chest, wrapping my arms around him and laying my head against the fabric of his cotton t-shirt. He placed a delicate kiss in my hair as his arms made their way around me.

"The nursery is going to look great, love, Grace is going to love it," Ed complimented softly, and I grinned as he said our daughter's name out loud. We picked it around a month ago, and it still made me fill with joy every time he said it.

I nodded happily. "I just can't wait for her to get here." Ed nodded in agreement, placing a kiss on my cheek and rubbed my baby bump softly.

"You're going to be the best mum ever, I know it. I can't wait to see you hold her for the first time, it's going to be one of the greatest things I bet I'll ever see," he said, smiling, and I clutched tighter to him.

"I can't stop thinking about how perfect it all is, you know? Like...even just this moment. I'm sitting in my husband's lap, in a house we bought together. I love my husband more than anyone in the entire world, and I can't imagine living a day without him. I'm seven months pregnant with our own little kid, who I'm ready and waiting to give everything I have, to make sure she's happy and content and safe. I'm going to have my own family with the man I love most, how perfect is that, Ed?" I asked, turning to face him, and a smile graced his lips. He leaned over and kissed me, one arm holding me close and the other now delicately resting against my cheek.

"That sounds absolutely perfect, love," he said when we pulled away, and I smiled. I leaned further back into his chest, grateful for having found someone I love so deeply.

Just then, the baby kicked. By now, it was a force of habit for Ed to know that I probably needed him to calm the baby down, which I was beyond grateful for. He quickly moved his hand to my belly, rubbing it softly as he placed kisses in my hair.

"She's saying hello love," he said lightly, laughing. I did too, my husband was the best person ever.

"I can't wait to say hello in person."

"Neither can I, darling, neither can I."

A/N: I know this chapter sucks, forgive me. I've been having terrible writers block and I can't come up with anything. But I do know what I want the next chapter to go like, so that's good haha. I hope your weekend goes well! :)

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