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Bullies and feelings pt. 2

"Mr. Sikowitz is so weird! It's cute and cool and he likes coconuts! I don't know why, it just really weird and cool and he's an awesome!" You smiled ever so softly as Cat ranted on and on about your new teacher. Cat practically had to beg Andre to switch seats so you could sit next to her. You nodded every time she looked at you, letting her know you were listening, "-And it's amazing!" Cat giggles out. You shook your head with a smile but tensed up when Cat placed her hand on your thigh. It was by reflex, but it still made you feel weird.

A good weird, not bad.

You bit your lip and leaned back slightly, propping your arms up on the chair. You felt Cat stare at you, but you paid it no mind. It oddly didn't creep you out. You heard Cat scoot her chair closer to yours and lay her head on your chest. It shocked you a little bit, but you didn't mind. What you didn't notice was the eyes of Beck, Jade and Robbie glaring at you. Beck because he's overprotective of Cat, Hade because she just simply disliked you and Robbie because he's jealous of how close you two are.

As if on instinct, you kissed Cat's forehead making her gasp softly. You blushed in embarrassment, about to pull away until you felt the younger girl snuggled deep into you. You were about to smile until you saw a man jump through the window. You slowly placed your hand on your piece, about to bust two inside the random dude's head until Tori spoke up, "You couldn't use the door, Mr. Sikowitz?" She asks. Mr. Sikowitz laughs loudly, sipping a coconut out of a straw, "Never question me, Ms. Vega! It was a must!" He exclaims.

You flashed a stank face, This bummy ass nigga the teacher, bruh? Was the thought that ran through your head. Cat whimpered and moved away from you almost reluctantly. You frowned slightly, missing the warmth of the petite girl. Mr. Sikowitz grinned at you, "Seems like we have a new student! Ms. Y/L/N I presume?" He says. You nodded slowly, "Come on up and introduce yourself!" Mr. Sikowitz exclaims.

Jade snorts, "Don't bother, she doesn't speak." She laughs out making Andre glare at her. Mr. Sikowitz raises an eyebrow, "Is this true, Ms. Y/L/N?" He asks. You let out a soft sigh, "Stop callin me miss, Mr. Sikowitz. Makes me sound old and we all know I'm way younger than you." You say in a deep, raspy voice. The class gasped at the disrespect you showed their teacher, but Cat gasped for a different reason.

Your voice was hot.

Mr. Sikowitz laughs, "Fiesty! Like Ms. West over there!" He says before walking away, drinking whatever he was drinking out of that coconut. You felt Cat wrap her arms around your waist as the class talked amongst themselves, "Again?" She says. You looked down at Cat with a confused facial expression, "Speak again?" She asks. You laughed, "Hey." You greeted making the smaller girl's face flush. Jade sighs, "Nobody wants to see you make out!" She shouts making Cat turn red and bury her face into your chest when the other kids started to laugh.

You, taking that as a negative response, glared at her, "Fuck off, bruh! Ian for the bullshit today!" You snapped, finally getting fed up with Jade. Mr. Sikowitz dropped his coconut, "Ms. Y/L/N! This language will not be tolerated!" He says in a serious tone shocking his students. You gently pushed Cat off of you and stood up, "Nah bruh, cuz this BITCH been a pain in my ass since I got to this high sadity ass school, she betta be lucky Ian pop ha in ha fuckin mouth cuz I share a dorm with the hoe, man fuck y'all and this fuckin class!" You snapped before walking out, ignoring Andre, Tori and Cat when they called your name.

You didn't know where you were walking, but you were gone. You grabbed your headphones and your iPod. You plugged it in and started blasting Lil Wayne, a nigga these high class people wouldn't even know of. You sighed and shoved your hands in your pocket. This reminded you of the times you'd skip class in Atlanta, with your friends. They would be pulling pranks and doing graffiti all of the neighborhood. Now, two of them dead and three of them in jail.

Why did you get out?

All of your friends were unfortunate, but you got lucky. You of all people, got lucky to be in Hollywood, living out your dream. Why couldn't your boys make it either? Thinking about it made you mad, it enraged you. It wasn't fair to them. It wasn't fair to your boys and it wasn't fair to your family. Sighing deeply, you sat down on the side walk in front of the most beautiful beach you've ever seen.

You didn't know how long you've been here, but what you did know was that the sun was setting. Watching the sun set from the beach seemed surreal to you, like something out of a movie. It was beautiful, "How long you been here, bro?" A voice asks. It was Andre, sitting down on the side walk next to you. You shrugged, "Since I left that classroom." You answered, slowly taking out your headphones. Andre nodded in response.

You bit your lip, "Something like this I never see in ATL." You blurt out, "I grew up in the projects. Not a great place for a child, I know. All I got to see was run down buildings, drive bys, and prostitutes. Something like this I wished I could've saw with my little brother. He'd love it..." You ranted in a low voice. Andre was looking at you the whole time you talked, "Really? That's awful. I been here my whole life, born and raised... by my grandma." He says. You smirked, "Then, you were lucky. You didn't have to be woken up by gunshots every night." You say.

Andre nods, silence over taking you two for a split moment before he spoke up, "I got a question, Y/n." Andre mutters as the sun slowly disappeared bellow the water, "Bro to bro... do you like Cat?" He asks. You knew exactly what he was referring to, "She's um... she's different... from the girls back at ATL. It's weird being around such a happy spirit when all I've ever known was gloomy. In a matter of days, not even a week, she changed me from an asshole to a softy. I just don't know why." You started, "I don't know how to explain my feelings at this point as I've never experienced such emotion. Well, only once, but she um... she was for everybody, per say..." You whispered, pulling your knees up to your chest.

Andre hummed, "She was upset when you left, you know?" He says. You glanced up at Andre, urging him to go on, "She didn't like how mad you got at Jade, what Jade does is typically... normal to new students... she poured ice coffee on Tori's head after making her act like a dog." He says. You scoffed, "I wish like fuck she would, she woulda caught this fade real quick." You mumbled making Andre laugh, "Yeah. So, Cat did, but at the same time, she didn't understand why you got mad. And I say didn't because Jade always treated her as an equal, all of us treat Cat differently, but yours is most different." He explains.

You furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean?" You asked. Andre shakes his head, "When you gave her your jacket? When you spoke for the first time? When she was laying on your chest? She gave you a look, a certain look she doesn't give us. Cat, she's sensitive, man. She's innocent and sensitive and she doesn't know what she's feeling. When you left, it was different from when we leave her. She had actual fear in her eyes, dawg. Like you weren't coming back." He says. You looked down at the ocean, which was now a midnight blue since the sun had set,

"Just let her know you're okay. That's all she wants to know." Andre says, standing up and reaching his hand out for you. You grabbed it and pulled yourself up, "Thanks man... for being here." You say awkwardly. Andre laughs and daps you up, "No biggie, man. I already told you once that we were gonna get along just fine, didn't I?" He says before walking off.

I didn't know where I was going with this tbh.

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