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Stressful Days

You let out a soft breath, re reading the room number Andre sent you to see if this was the right room, since you never looked at the room number when you were here last. From what you heard from Andre, Cat basically stays here alone since her roommate stays out doing God knows what (this knowledge was presented to you after you almost didn't come over because of the roommate). You rose your hand to knock on the door before you stopped, What if she doesn't want to see me?... why do I even fucking care if she wants to see me or not? You thought, slowly growing frustrated with yourself.

You knocked twice and waited. After what seemed like forever, the door opened to reveal a sleepy Cat, "Did I wake you, Cat?" You asked lowly. Cat blinks rapidly before tearing up and hugging you. You didn't say anything, you just let her hug you and cry, I wasn't gone that long, why does she miss me so much? Nobody has missed me this much before... You mentally asked yourself, feeling your heart swell at the thought of someone actually missing you besides your little brother.

You let your hand travel to the small of Cat's back, "Hey, it's okay, Cat. I didn't mean to make you upset." You muttered truthfully. That was far from what you intended to do. Cat just held you tighter. You leaned down a bit and picked the tiny 16-year-old up with ease and carried her into the room as you didn't want to attract too much attention from people passing in the halls. You gently closed the door with your foot and walked with Cat over to her bed. You tried to put her down, but she held you close.

You were starting to think that Cat has separation anxiety.

You sat down on the bed with an obviously sleepy Cat straddling your waist. You tried to keep her as far away from your junior as you could, which wasn't very far, "Cat, bae, you gotta go to sleep. You're obviously tired." You say in a hushed tone. Cat whined, "Lay with me." She whispered. You turned red, "Cat, I don't think that's appropriate." You whispered back as if Cat knew what you were talking about.

It had been quite some time since you've gotten any.

Cat pulls back and looks you in your eyes, "Please." She begs making your eyes widen, Not now, Junior. Not now, Junior. You mentally hissed. You laid Cat down on her pillow before slowly tugging down you pants revealing your print through your PSD briefs. That's when you noticed Cat had on your jacket but with nothing else under it, or so you thought.

Cat tilted her head as she stares at your print, "Isn't that what guys have?" She asks shyly as you folded up your pants. You rubbed yourself through your boxers once before nodding, "My dick? Yeah." You say, temporarily forgetting that Cat had the brain of a four year old. Unconsciously, you pulled Cat close to you by her waist. You took off your undershirt showing off your toned stomach and sports bra. Cat let her eyes wander your body, "Is it real? I-I thought only boys have that part." She asks almost childishly. You chuckled, "Most definitely and I guess you can say I was born differently." You explained, laying your body on top of Cat's. You made sure you didn't put too much weight on her. Due to you being bigger and taller than her, the only parts of Cat's body that was visible was her legs that were around your waist and her head, "Oh." Cat says, excited that she learned something new.

You pulled cover over you two, "That doesn't make you uncomfortable, does it?" You asked softly, suddenly getting sleepy. Cat shakes her head, "No..." She say softly, feeling your body fully press up against hers, "I-It feels weird." Cat mutters as your bulge pressed up against her area. You let out a breathy chuckle, "Sorry." You respond, moving down a little to where she couldn't feel you and to where you could lay your head on her shoulder. Cat places her hand on the back of your neck, not knowing what to do as she's never been held like this before. She only got cuddles from Jade and Beck who was always behind Jade with his arm wrapped around both of them.

Pretty soon, your breathing evened out, signaling that you were sleep.

Catarina Valentine (third person limited)

Cat didn't know what she was feeling as she looked at Y/n sleeping peacefully. This was different from how she felt with Jade and her Bibble addiction. Every time she was around Y/n, her heart rate started to beat faster and she stuttered more. She rarely wanted to say anything in fear of scaring the taller teen off. Everyone growing up called her annoying or weird and it hurt. Her friends treat her like she's fragile and that she'll break at any moment. She was grateful for them, but she hated being babied or being treated like she was dumb and different.

Y/n didn't do that.

She didn't treat her as if she'd break and she didn't treat her as if she was dumb either. She was just chill, like how Tori is with Andre and like how Jade is with Beck. Y/n treated her like she was the only friend she paid attention to. Or, the only girl. Cat was confused and was scared to ask Jade because she knew the girl disliked Y/n with a passion and vice-versa. Cat unconsciously kissed Y/n's forehead making the older girl tighten the grip on her waist. Not enough to hurt her though. Cat may not have known what she was feeling, but one thing she does know is that she likes it.

Just a little insight of what's going on in Cat's head.

One of the ONLY times you guys are going to get a POV switch... no Ariana pun intended

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