Chapter 14

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After me and Shoto grabbed a quick meal I lead him back to my house and snuck him in my window.

"(Y/N), are you okay? You've been through a lot recently. I know that the entire quirk thing has been messing with your brain and all that." Shoto asked.

"I'm fine, hopefully it will just wear off." I replied.

Just as I said that my mind blanked and I started to feel my feet drag against the floor. I tried my hardest to keep myself upright and awake, but even still, I had to grip Shotos' shirt sleeve to keep myself up. I had been attempting to keep going as if nothing happened, though my body wasn't feeling awake, I forced an upright position and slowly drag myself towards my bed, hoping sitting down might lessen my fatigue.

His laugh startled me, and he pulled my head near him, and laid me down against him.

"Shoto, thanks." I said, and my eyes shut, and I welcomed the warm darkness that all but engulfed me.
(Time skip two days in the future)

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" I heard Shoto say from a few rooms away.

"Sho, is something wrong." I asked.

"My dad is on his way here. Fuck. I'm so fucking sorry (y/n) this is my mistake." He said, his lips pulled down into a frown. He was pacing back and forth over and over again.

"Hey, calm down. There's nothing to worry about. I can just take the bastard down like last time." I responded.

That wasn't entirely true. I couldn't just leave my parents to deal with the number two hero with out their permission. In addition, I kinda technically kidnapped his son. Not really, but with Endeavors money, status, and pure vibe, any legal team that would be posted on my side couldn't beat Endeavors. Fuck never becoming a hero, I would go to prison for a good twenty years.

I think Shoto could see the hesitation mixed with fear that sat prominently on my face. His eyes glanced me over and looked away, not in shyness, but in a type of respect.

Endeavor, disappointingly, never sat right to me. He was clearly unaccepting of other people, and didn't care for anyone as much as he may act like he did. My anxiety at the idea of meeting him once again spiked. Had that man wanted to kill my parents, no one could stop him, especially if I decided to leave.

I had to make a plan quick.

So, Shoto would leave. He'd go back home. He'd live life as he had before, and he'd wait until his enrollment in UA. Quickly inform the teacher of the problems happening at home. If another pro was saying something, it sound a lot better than the son and a random girl that the world couldn't care less about.

And me? I'd stay with my parents. Wait for Endeavor to show up, and if worst comes to worst, Shoto may not need to tell his teacher about anything.

That's the plan we ran with. And I was willing to take the risks of myself, but the risks made to Shoto were terrifying me. Heavily.

I knew he could stick up for himself, and that he was strong, but underneath every cold exterior layer he held, he was petrified of his father.  Sadly, my best advice was for him to keep in touch. Text me when he could. The occasional call. Anything to ensure he was okay.

This was a shitty idea in the first place. Why did I think I could ever help someone. All I'm good for is to cause pain, even unintentionally.

Update on My Life
Heavy rant:
(TW-family death, strokes, illness, and the whole shibang that goes along with that)
I'm so sorry guys. I know this is short and stuff, and I'll try to get more out. Yk how I said I'd try to get something out in January? The day after that post my granddad died fifteen minutes after I left the hospital with him. I got home around ten PM and found out about it. I took it so hard I basically couldn't think the entire next day without becoming emotional and crying. The morning my granddad passed away my Papa (other grandfather) had a stroke. And my grandma was looking even worse for breathing problems.

My papa ended up being okay, but he lost sight in half of his eye, and my grandma is fine now. I also miscalculated how much I'd be doing once my granddad died. Life basically turned into school, helping his children plan the funeral, too much family drama, and sleep. Right after that I had standardized testing, then got a really bad cold that I'm still feeling the effects of. I was literally sleeping about twelve hours a day at that point, and I'm slowly being able to get less.

I just finished exams, and current still have my 4.0 GPA, and just started new classes today. I also began an additional class outside of school, and have seminary every morning before school, so basically, I'm doing seven classes in a five class day. And I have band festival on Wednesday. Basically, what I'm saying is that I won't have a lot of time to write, but I will attempt to fit it in to my schedule and find time.

Thank you all for being through all of this with me, and for all of the helpful and loving comments. I truly appreciate everything you guys do for me, and I wish I could do more for you guys. Sorry for the rant and excessively long AN, but I just needed to get it all off my chest. I love you guys, y'all are amazing. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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