Red,White, and Black

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Red,White, and Black

An invisible girl sits there

In an empty chair

A smile on her face as

She looks back at herself

Lying forever asleep

In her bed

Watching now as

One by one

Her family goes first

Placing roses on her casket

Red, white, and black

All of her favorites

Saying their goodbyes

One final time

She can't take it anymore

As she throws back her head

Her unheard laughter

Filling the somber air

Of the church house

Friends and neighbors

Get up now

Most crying for her now

Their roses set next to the rest

Black and red

Like the dress that she wears

Saying their goodbyes

One final time

Still no one sees or hears

The girl as she begins to giggle

Her pale face as dead as the corpse

Lying in her deep slumber

Never to wake

It's raining outside

Even as she's put six feet under

Sitting trapped on her tombstone

She waits with a patient smile

As the footsteps grow closer

With a bouquet

Of red, white, and black

They walk away hand in hand

Never to come back

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