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  • Dedicated to Susie


I'm not crazy!

Can't you hear it?

Everything's getting hazy

The voices won't stop yelling at me!

What did I do?

To deserve this

Just shoot me

Stab me

Somehow, kill me

I can't stand these

Voices that want me dead

*They say that I'm worthless

That I can't get rid of them

Unless I kill myself

I don't want to believe them

But all these illusions

Lead me to confusion

These people in my head

Won't stop until I'm dead

I'm getting sick of myself

Begging for death isn't humane

This disease needs a cure

Before I'm told more than I can endure


Feeling emotions has become difficult


I've forgotten the symptoms of

Fear, love, happiness, hate, sadness, and anger

I've lost the ability to sense when I'm in danger

I just can't stand myself anymore

I often ignore what they say until

It's the only thing running through my head

I can feel myself getting sicker

This illness crawling under my skin

I want to cut it all away and see if

Blood is really thicker

My mind is wavering

In and out of reality

Now what's real to you isn't real to me


**I'm a victim of insanity

No one believes me

And these voices

They keep me awake


I'm just another victim of schizophrenia



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