I. The Starks

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Elizabeth Stark.

She was the eldest daughter of the Lord of Winterfell, Lady of Winterfell after her mother's death. Elisabeth in heart was not a lady, she was wild, she didn't like being ordered aroud, but she decided to change a little bit since her family needed her.

Her life in Winterfell was simple at the beginning, she had the most peaceful childhood, but everything changed with her mother's death, their father became distant and Lizzie became Lady of Winterfell, she was only a child when responsibility came knocking at her door and nobody was able to help her.

Growing up she became the mother figure in the house, she raised Benjen with Lyanna's help and when someone needed an advice she always tried to help.

The relationship with her father was difficulte, when Lyarra died, he closed every bridge, every bond was disintegrated, he just wanted to be left alone and his wish got accomplished.

Brandom was the eldest son, future Lord of Winterfell but he always tried to have a moment with his siblings, every time he had free second he spended it helping his little siblings at swordsmanship or with archery, apart from Lyanna she was a true Lady, but king and gentle Lady.

Eddard was the second child, he almost never speaked, he was a silent boy, always knowing his place, he never argued with his father like his siblings did, even when he thought he was wrong. He had a strong bond with Elizabeth and Lyanna, after all they were his little sisters.

Lyanna, two years younger than Lizzie, they were inseparable, if you saw one the other wasn't far away, Lyanna tried everything she could to help her sister when needed or not, she was always there for her and vice versa. They didn't have secrets from each other, even the darkness. They were best friends.

Benjen was the little one of the family. He always wanted to become a knight, you could always find him in the courtyard practicing or hiding from the Maester. Elisabeth was praticaly his mother but he couldn't call her mom so he gave her a nickname, Lizzie, that's where it came from, from that moment on Elisabeth's most important people called her like that, if she gave you the permission to call her Lizzie than you were an important person for her.

"Lizzie, I am coming in..."

Lizzie wasn't a morning person, she always had someone to wake her up in the morning, when she was little it was her mother, but then her person became Lyanna. Every day Lyanna would knock at her sister's door and help prepare for the day. Lizzie always had her sister beside her.

Entering in her sister's chambers Lyanna found Elisabeth still sleeping, something definitely not different from the day before and the day before that. Walking towards the window Lyanna opened the curtains so the sun would shine inside the room and hopefully help Elizabeth wake up.

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