IV. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen

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Two moons passed since the beginning of the journey and everyone just wanted arrive. Lizzie like promised didn't tell Ly's secret to anyone. She always was there when Lyanna had to dress, the belly began to show. The sisters were both worried, if anyone saw Lyanna's belly would be the end of her.

Very cautious Elisabeth helped her sister out of the carriage, nobody seemed to see the special attension the older sister putted in not letting the younger one fall, which relived Lizzie. The view before them was breathtaking. The books made no justice to Harrenhal's ruins.

"How are you feeling?"

"For the third time in the past hour, I'm fine." Lizzie became annoying with the time pass, she was gratefull her sister cared that much for her and was always worried how she was feeling but it became too much.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

The look on Elisabeth's face almost made Lyanna feel ashamed of herself, there she was complaining when her sister only wanted to help in every way she could.

"I am fine." with a smile and kind smile the younger sister answered the previous question. "Go, it's a beautiful and sunny day, go enjoy yourself." Lyanna didn't want to stay away from her sister, without her she didn't feel that self-confident anymore, but she knew her sister would have wanted to visit the place, alone.

"Aye! I'll be back before you even notice my abcense."

And with that Elisabeth disapperead in the crowd.

Everybody was excited about the Prince's arrival, him being there was very important and for sure an honor for House Whent. When the Prince and the Princesses arrived everybody held their beath. Everybody expected an happy family - since the Prince didn't have a mistress or there was no rumorors about him in whore houses - with a little silver-haried or purple-eyed little princess.

But that's not what they got.

They got an unhappy prince with fake, and polite little smiles, the beautiful and happy Princess Elia and another dornish little princess. Everybody saw that there was nothing of Rhaegar in the little one. She was dornish throught and throught, her light chocolate skin, her big brown eyes and lonf brown hair surely unlike a Targaryen who had pale skin, silver hair and purple eyes. They were immediately greeted by ging and excited smiles.

Everybody seemed happy.

Rhaegar didn't like that attention, he grew up in it but didn't like it, so he went for a walk trying to clear him mind. While walking he came near the wolves. The Starks.He has never seen a Stark and was very surpriced when saw they were there since they seemed to never leave the north. And what he saw left him froze.

He saw a real family.

The laughts, the smiles, the happiness that radiated out of them was real. There were three guys and two girls. He presumed they Were Elisabeth and Lyanna Stark. He heard of them, they never left the north, very loyal, the best friends, he heard of their beauty, but never in a million years he would have thought of her that beautiful. She was different from her sister, she tall and sli, brown hair, almost black, and her eyes... He only caught a glimpse of them but they were magnificed, pure ice. They were blue with little shades of the Starks's grey. He presumed the rumors he heard were real. Elisabeth Stark was the most beautiful woman in Westeros.

He stood there for what he thought were hours when it just passed mere minutes.

He saw her smile, play with her younger brother and talk with her sister. He saw her happy. An happiness he could only dream of. But her smile faded away the minute her eyes landed on an approching Lord Roberth Baratheon. He frowned his eyebrows trying to understand on why she didn't seem to like him, but then he remebered. Last time he saw his cousin - which wasn't long time ago - he said he was in love with Elisabeth Stark and he was going to wed her. He always talked about her and how he was happy with this decition. He never said anything on how she felt about it. And it seemed like she didn't share his entusiasm about it. It seemed like someone just killed someone important in front of her.

He didn't know what he was doing when he began to approch them. He didn't know why he felt the need to see her smile, laugh. He didn't know why he felt the need to save her from him.

"Cousin." nobody expected the crown prince to greet them, let alone with a sarcarstic smile on his face, a smile to his cousin.

"Rhaegar." with a little bow in show respect - the respect he didn't have - .

Rhaegar turned to face the Starks expecting them to present themself or Robert to do it for them. But he didn't expect Elisabeth to do it.

" I am Elisabeth Stark, Lady of Winterfell." said with a step ahead and a little lady-like bow, she then turned to the one that seemed to be the older one. "He is Brandom Stark, future Lord of Winterfell." then turned to another brother. "He is Eddard Stark." then to the lady near her. "My younger sister Lyanna Stark." and to a little boy who tried to seem older then he was, maybe because he wanted to be older than he was "And this is Benjen Stark, the younger one in the family."

What he did next surpriced everyone. He bowed and took Elisabeth's hand to kiss it. "It's a pleasure my lady."

Elisabeth not knowing how to react she did the only think she could do. She smiled. The brightest and real smile he has ever seen from a lady. Joy in her eyes from his little jesture. Her big and innocent eyes. Blue eyes where he lost himselt into.

And with that he took a step back, but not before smiling back - a real smile - and started walking towards the castle, then to his chambers. When he was in the room that temporanely was his he took off the sword he had on his hip and sitted on the huge bed in the middle of the room.

"I think I found her mother."


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