VII. "Will you go with me?"

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Everybody kept watching her and everybody did not care to be caught. The event of the day before was scandalous. She was betrothed and he was married. Scandalous.

She hated that every move she did was watched, but she didn't regret accepting the crown, since the event of the day before she didn't see Robert and she was happy about that. Maybe the betrothal was annulled.

Elisabeth was walking alone, trying to clear her mind. The judgment in everybody's eyes, her family eyes, it hurt a little that her family didn't accept or at least tried to understand the motives behind her actions.

Since the day before Rhaegar was planning, he still tried to keep an eye on her but it was difficult since everybody was watching them. He saw the argument she had with her family and how she stormed out her family's tent. He felt a little guilty, he has never watched them argue, but since her gave Elizabeth the crown they didn't anything else.

He had to speak with her, alone.

He started searching but it wouldn't have taken that much time since she was walking near the castle when his chambers were.

He saw her.

He didn't want to frighten her but he had to speak with her. He needed to know what she wanted because he made sure to make it clear that she mattered to him, that he cared deeply for her. He started walking near her trying not to be heard and when he was behind her he putted his right hand on her mouth, his left her around her waist and picked her up. 

She was scared for her life and he knew it. He could hear her heartbeat increase.

"Shh, It's me, I don't want to hurt you, I won't hurt you, I promise." he whispered in her ear.

Hearing his voice calmed her but she still didn't know what he wanted.

When he made sure that they were somewhere where nobody would see them he let go of, he softly let his left hand down he body and removed both his hands.

He watched her turn around calmly maybe testing or thinking something he decipher.

He had to be the first to talk, he had to apologize and tell her his plan before she could interrupt him.

"I apologize for my manners but I had to talk to you." he emphasized had and waited for her response but she only nodded probably understanding his need of telling her what he wanted with her.

"... and I have a plan." that confused her, what plan could it be? And why was he telling her.

"Why are telling me this?"

"Because you are part of the plan."

It took time for her to understand the reason why he was telling her his plan. He explained at least 3 times, but he didn't mind, that meant he had more time with her.

"You what?" 

"I want you to come with me. Please come with me." she didn't know what to say, she wanted to go with him, she liked the idea of being free of doing everything she wanted but could she?

"Where would we go?" that gave him hope, she was willing to go with him.

"Everywhere, where do you wanna go?" she started smiling, believing everything he said, she was gonna go with him.

That smile. He would do anything to see that smile every day at every hour.

He started moving towards her 'till there was no space between them, their noses touching, they could feel each others breaths on their face, they wanted their lips to touch so bad. They were like magnets.

"If you want to come with me we have to do it now." he wanted to kiss her so bad, he wanted to know what it felt to kiss her perfect lips.

"I am coming with you." and what she did next surprised him. 

She hugged him, she hugged him tight as if someone would rip them apart in any seconds.

"We have to do it now." they run.

They had to call his guards and  tell them or ask them to come along. They just needed horses and gold coins. Rhaegar would provide what they needed she just had to be ready. 

She didn't want to say goodbye to her family but she had to do this for her, for once she didn't want to take care of her family, but she wanted to take care of herself.

It took him not that much time to come back, he returned with two people after explaining them everything. When he saw her he took her hand and started running where he left three horses. He jumped on the horse and held a hand for her to take. With no fatigue she took it and jumped on the horse herself, she did so naturally that Rhaegar thought of let her ride the horse but then went against it, it would take time they already didn't have.

"Are you ready?" he turned a little trying to see her face, wanting to know if she was regretting the choice she made, but he found a little smile and joy in her eyes, maybe even ecsatment.

"Aye! I think I am ready for anything nowadays." he let a little smile creep on his face and let the horse start running.

"To freedom."

And here another chapter. I wanted to thank you y'all  since we reached 1.06K. It's surprising since actually I started writing this book for me. I only found a book similar to the one I wanted to read so I said "Why don't you do it yourself?" And here I am, I am happy that you found the time to read my book and I hope you are liking it so far.


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