Chapter 11

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Oliver pov

I balled my eyes out sobbing and when I saw them try to comfort me I screamed at the top of my lungs I was so scared and couldn't seem to stop crying

"Buddy calm down its okay-"


they're just going to hit me

it's not safe

I need to run

When some type of doctor put a weird mask on me I lost it until everything was fuzzy and then pitch black again

Alexander pov

The doctor put him to sleep and handed us his medication both of us still shocked and worried

"Make sure he takes this everyday and try to keep him still and comfortable"

We nodded and looked back to our baby boy

He slipped then started to freak out then passed out and when he woke up he got scared of us touching him then had a panic attack

The doctor said its probably from past trauma messing with him and that we gotta wait it out but it makes me feel helpless like I'm completely useless to this sweet little baby

The next few weeks he was really distant and rarely slipped even when he did he just tried to hide

"Baby please come out the corner its okay" I kept trying to calm him down but when I came closer he put his arms up sobbing

Did he think I was going to hurt him?

That small pit became a deep ditch in an instant I never wanted to feel like I would harm him

"Oliver it's just me I would never hurt you I swear can weee please talk about this"

He calmed down a bit and after what felt like hours of silence he spoke

"W-Wha dwid oo d-dwo two mwe?..."

His voice was shakey and full of fear my heart falling into that giant ditch at the sound of it

"You just slipped honey its completely natural and the doctor recommended it for you"

After I told him that he asked me to leave which I complied and waited outside not wanting to be too far incase something happened

Nobody POV

Oliver just hid under the covers his head still racing and a sick feeling washing over him

He didn't understand what Alexander was talking about even after he looked it up he didn't get it

Sure his parents beat him, sold him, raped him, and verbally abused him but he wouldn't call it traumatic


It wasn't that bad he deserved it afterall...

He wasn't planned
He ruined their marriage
And he costed money to keep clothed and fed

He only got treated like that because he was a burden.....

He didn't need this regressing stuff he was just overreacting it wasn't that big of a deal-

That's when some horrible feeling came over him making him throw up everything he had eaten into a trashcan

Big fat tears fell down his chubby face as he cried and cried a horrible taste left in his mouth as he finally stopped throwing up

He didn't notice anything around him all he knew was that he was terrified

Alexander had rushed into the room at the sound of vomiting and had been cradling the baby for a good 15 minutes whispering calming words

"What happened? Is he okay?" Alexander looked up to see his husband quickly walk over to check on both of them

"He has a fever and has been balling his eyes out for a h-his medication is i-in the room....."

Damian nodded and went to their room to retrieve the medicine while Alexander continued to calm down Oliver

Alexander always hated that dumb medicine it basically made Oliver fully out of it and then he slowly fell asleep like 30 minutes later

They said it would help him relax and just calm down his heart rate which it did but still Oliver was scared of it especially when he was little


"Oliver sweetie please it's going to help you" Damian said gently rubbing his arm as Oliver cried and tries to back up further into his bed

After tons of tears and a little poke Oliver was spaced out and tucked into his bed

Alexander had to leave the room when he was given his medicine since he hated needles and seeing Oliver cry

They put an ice pack on his forehead and let him rest for the day deciding they should talk about it later

What they didn't know was that a sweet baby boy with a fever was about to make a break for it tonight...

Sup my people I haven't posted in forever and this was sitting in my drafts so be sure to give suggestions and hope you bye 👁👄👁

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