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In this home I lye
Trying to sleep

But all the noises
All the screams
They haunt me

No one else hears them
But I do,
Every single night

The sound of that little girl screaming

Screaming Daddy where are you?
Daddy where are you?

Hopeless wales fill my ears
As a girl once happy in her own world
Crumbled and felt lost, sad and miserable

She felt like a prisoner to loneliness, sadness and shame

She felt shame to walk around the school grounds
Knowing Daddy's not going to fetch her

Knowing she's not as lucky as all the other girls

I hope every night
That this little girl will stop screaming
But every night
Her screams haunt me

Daddy where are you?
Daddy where are you?

Daddy where are you?

Every night I break a little
Hoping that this little girl learns that
Daddy is gone
And Daddy is not coming back

And I hope the loneliness, sadness and shame doesn't haunt her forever

The thought of her breaking
It kills me

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