Lost In Love

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Oh I've been lost many a time
Each time the reason why is different

This time I'm lost in your eyes
Lost in the way you make me feel
Lost in how and why you are with me
But I accept it

I like being lost in love with you
Its confusing
It makes me think to much

The different little things you say
The different little things you do
I can't read you

Lost in the fact that I can make you happy somehow
Lost in the smile I see on your face every time you see me

I even get lost in the words you say
They make no sense to me
You speak of my beauty, kindness and caring
Making no sense at all

But even though I am lost there is one thing I am certain of
I'm lost in your love for me

I'm lost in the way you care
In the way you want to be with me
In the way that I make you happy
In the way that you want to be mine

I'm lost in how I want to be yours just as much as I am lost in the way that you have found my heart

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