Reconciliation and First Kill?!

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Devoid of emotions, you say? Do you have an illness or something?


Then, what? What do you mean by devoid?

Are you tricking me again?

Are you trying to deceive me again to gain back my trust?

If you are then...

[No, I wouldn't do that again, at the very least not to you.]

We're having an argument here!

[You really are a lively person, aren't you?]

Of course.

Anyway, what did you mean by devoid of emotions?

Answer me honestly, or I won't forgive you, Mono-san.

[Alright, I'll answer you honestly.]

[I have never felt the artifical feeling called 'love'.]

Damn, what a bomb you just dropped.

Hmm, what do you mean? Love...did you get your heart broken or something?


If not that, then just wha- oh! Did your parents not pay attention to you?

[No...I don't have any parents, well not proper ones at least.]

Does that mean you were adopted? If so, then I'm sure that even if they were foster parents, they would still love you regardless.

[Kumoko, I-]

Agh, I know I said not to call me that, but...

Fine, since you can't address me in any other way, you can call me that.


[Going back, if you would like to, do you wish to know more about me?]

Yeah! Yeah! Tell me!

[I am an experiment.]


Just what happened to you, to call yourself an experiment?

[What I meant by devoid of emotions is that, I was never taught any emotions, they only designed me to be the apex of humanity.]

Apex? So you're the best of the best eh?

But...Mono-san, I don't think you're lifeless at all. In fact, to me you're very much normal! Your monotone voice... Your calculating thoughts if that's not human then what is?

Wait, no! Why the hell am I giving you encouraging words?

[Thank you, Kumoko.]

Wait...did I hear that correctly? Mono-san thanking me?!

[I can take it back, if you want.]

This is the first time...I ever heard you thank me. I didn't expect you of all people to thank me at all, and it seemed pretty genuine as well!

To be honest, I don't care anymore if what you're saying right now is nothing but lies.

You didn't feel loved? I didn't particularly feel loved back then as well!

So, to solve our problem, I have a proposal to make.

[What kind of proposal?]

Since we don't know what love is like and all, why don't we just...

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