Prank Gone Wrong

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A/N: Okay, this story might actually be a bit more mature than what I usually write. And I know little to none about certain topics that this story will mention. But NO, there will be no explicit or lemon scenes. The furthest I'll go is just heavy kissing scenes for a strong rated T and mentions of adult themes. Sorry, but that's not my thing.

Anyway, let's get on with the story, but let me warn you right now. It does get a little bit steamy here. And action!

Chapter 1

Prank Gone Wrong

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Poppy?" Biggie asked the pink princess as he and Cooper carefully positioned a huge vat of dark red berry mead over a certain Fear Bunker.

Eighteen-year-old Princess Poppy just nodded, having a dastardly mischievous little grin on her face and rubbing her hands together eagerly.

"Oh, absolutely." She said, the smirk not leaving her face. "Besides, it is Prank Day. And Branch can learn to live a little."

"That's true." Guy Diamond slowly said with a hesitant shrug of his shoulders, lightly playing with his fingers.

But still, the silver glitter Troll and the rest of their friends think that this prank might be taking it too far; especially if Branch, the only gray Troll in society, and the village grump, was the intended victim. There was much at stake if it goes wrong, and Branch definitely would not be happy that he was pranked. The guy never liked having fun, and he always ruins fun for everyone else.

Yet Poppy was always insistent that he deserves a chance to be happy. She would go out of her way to try and talk to him, which he would brush off. She would invite him to almost every single party, which he would either decline, throw away the invitation, or worst of all, smash it under his foot. But despite all of what he would do to push her away, Poppy remained hopeful that one day, Branch would come around and join in on the perpetual fun.

She went up to the large boulder that showed where the entrance was marked and then knocked a little catchy rhythm on it a few times.

"Bra-anch!" She called out in a sing-song voice. "Are you in there?"

There was no answer, so she knocked again. "Branch?" She asked.

Still no response. Feeling frustrated that her prank wasn't going according to plan, she began knocking insistently.

"Branch, Branch, Branch, Branch, Branch, Branch. Branch, open up!"

Finally, there was a sliding sound as the peephole from the mat that said, "Go Away" opened up to reveal angry but drowsy sky blue eyes.

"What do you want, Poppy?" Branch asked her, his voice low and growly. "It's the middle of the night!"

Poppy leaned down towards the mat. "I just want to talk to you for a second." She said to him. "Can you please come out?"

She could see his brows furrowed in suspicion. "I know what today is." He said. "You better not have planned something that will ensure my wrath."

A nervous sweat began to build up on her neck. "Uh, nope!" She said a little quickly and cheerfully. Branch's eyes narrowed further, not believing it one bit. "Well, I really do need to talk to you, so just come on out."

"Can't you tell me what it is out there?" Branch asked.

"No, I would prefer it face to face." Poppy replied with ease, slightly crossing her fingers behind her back. She should've known that Branch would suspect something if she is out at his bunker so late, especially on Prank Day. She just hoped that he would let his guard down this once.

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