Facing the Music

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A/N: A brief little disclaimer about some of the information in this chapter and in the next one after. I know next to nothing about this sort of stuff because I'm not married, I don't have kids, nor have I been with anyone in an intimate manner. I literally had to look up certain stuff to get the next two chapters done. On the bright side, it helped me develop my personal headcanon of this matter.

Well, I think you guys might know what's going to happen in this chapter. So let's see if any of you are correct. Roll it!

Chapter 2

Facing the Music

It had been a whole month ever since the incident. Things seemed to have gone back to normal, but what happened was still haunting both Poppy and Branch. Whenever they would see each other in the village, Branch would immediately head off in another direction to hide his fierce lavender blush. Poppy would also blush a bright red when she would see him, but he would bolt before she could utter a word.

She knew that she really needed to talk with him about what happened. This was a serious matter, and it was something they needed to resolve before their odd relationship deteriorated completely. Poppy knew that she and Branch had opposite points of view, and that they hardly ever saw eye to eye, but in a way, she does enjoy his company; when only she was around, he seemed to be more.... open, for lack of a better word. He still wouldn't talk about a lot of things, but she could see that little by little, he was beginning to share more about himself. He may not technically consider her his friend, but he was hers.

But lately, she had been noticing some weird things happening to her. She had been getting headaches, feeling light-headed, and was eating a little more than usual, and it was usually more fruits and berries than her usual sweet-tooth diet. Poppy was getting a little suspicious about what might be going on, but she wanted to be completely and absolutely sure.


One day, Poppy was sleeping deeply and soundly in her bed as warm sunlight streamed through the window of her bright pink pod. But the thing was, she was supposed to be up about an hour ago. She had already missed the morning song to start off the day, and some of the Trolls were getting a little curious as to why the princess didn't show up for the song.

Her father, King Peppy, quietly came into his daughter's pod after calming down the crowd of anxious Trolls. He figured that it was best that only he would check up on her, rather than having the entire village go into a panic. The elderly king supposed that it was nothing too serious, since Poppy never does anything halfway.

Peppy came over to her bed and gently shook her. "Poppy? Poppy, wake up."

The pink Troll princess stirred slightly and then slowly opened her eyes drearily at her father. "Dad?" She asked, yawning.

"Time to get up, sweetheart." Peppy said. "It's 9:15."

Poppy's eyes suddenly shot open. "Did you say '9:15'?" She asked.

Her father nodded, showing her the time on his Hug Time bracelet. "I overslept!" Poppy realized and immediately shot out of bed. However, her action suddenly caused her to become light-headed and almost lost her balance.

"Poppy!" Peppy exclaimed, and he quickly grabbed her shoulders to steady his daughter. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm- I'm okay." Poppy assured her father. "Just got up too fast, I guess." She said as she regained her balance and held a hand to the side of her head. Luckily for her, her dad seemed to have bought her little excuse.

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