Desires and Wants

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A/N: Man, it's been a while since I've written a chapter for this story. But I guess with all of the advertisements for the new "Trolls" movie, which I am super excited for, I've been getting back into the "Trolls" vibe.

Brief warning: there is some pretty heated stuff in this chapter. I had to do some research about it, and honestly, I think I wanted to curl up in embarrassment. My face was red, for sure.

What did you expect? Unfortunately, I had to learn some of this stuff, both for the chapter and for possibly later on in life when I'm married and expecting my own child. Probably would use this information in the future.

Anyway, I've kept you guys waiting long enough. Let's get on with Chapter 5! Roll it!

Chapter 5

Desires and Wants

It had been at least another couple of weeks since Poppy had first felt the baby move. After she had left Branch's bunker that night, she had kept her word and visited him the following afternoon with a few different design ideas in hand. Since the bunker walls were dirt, it really limited the color choices, but she still managed to find some ideas and show them to the father of her child.

As much as Branch sort of liked the blue and baby pink scheme, he pushed them aside, reminding Poppy again that they won't know the gender of the baby until it hatches from its egg. Sheepishly, Poppy put them away.

She then almost laughed when Branch gave her an annoyed look when he next saw the sparkly indigo and glittery silver color scheme next. She had to admit that she was only teasing him with those colors, to which he simply rolled his eyes with a scoff.

Finally, the last color scheme was a pretty spring green color along with a warm, sunny yellow. Surprisingly, Branch liked the colors, and so did Poppy. They were nice, pretty and neutral for any nursery, even one underground. It was perfect for the baby.

For the next couple of days, Poppy secretly sent paint cans and other baby furniture supplies to Branch's bunker for him to assemble. At sunset, she would visit him to see and check his progress, even help out a little with what she could do. Each time, it was like a masterpiece was being created, making Poppy more excited to see the finished product.


Finally, one sunset, Poppy had just reached Branch's bunker. Since her bump was starting to show a little bit more, she had changed from her usual blue dresses to something a little more loose. The dress she was wearing currently was a sunny yellow sundress with a pleated orange skirt that hid her baby bump. The headband on her head also matched her dress.

The pink princess knocked on the large boulder. "Hey, Branch!" She called out, holding her maternity book under her arm. "It's me!"

Strangely, there was no answer coming from inside. The past couple of times that she knocked at his door, he came right away. She tried again, rapping her knuckles twice.

"Branch!" Poppy called again. Still, there was no answer. Now the pink Troll was starting to get a little anxious, and not in a good way.

"Branch, answer me!" The princess all but shouted as she knocked repeatedly on the rock, her mind flashing back to the previous times before the incident when she would force him outside by banging on the boulder over and over until he answered.

Suddenly, the trap door opened up behind her, the platform reaching the very top. "Geez, Poppy!" Branch chided her. "You wanna let the whole forest hear you?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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