~1~ Intro

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 I'd like to say a few things before you get to the reading. First, I decided to make this book because when I was struggling with writers block (which I still struggle with esp w school on the side but it's gotten better), I still got a LOT of ideas, I just couldn't write them. Now, I have multiple countless page long documents filled with story ideas for fan fictions, original stories, and more. I have decided to post the ideas here in hopes that someone will get inspiration for a story of their own, whether it be based on my idea or not. 

 (the following paragraph is only relevant if you are considering adopting one or more of these ideas. you may want to skip if you are just here to read through fun ideas and don't think you will be adopting any. you can always come back if you change your mind) 

You are totally welcome to adopt any of these stories, because the reason I'm posting them here is because I don't think I'll ever get any motivation to write the story. That doesn't mean I don't like the idea- if that was it, I'd just change the idea. These are ideas I'm (probably) fond of but can't find the motivation to start, or don't think it's worth starting because I know I won't continue it. The only 2 requirements for you to adopt an idea are that you must tell me, commenting on the chapter of the idea saying you'd like to adopt it. Please do not post your story until I have replied that it's okay- purely because I need to clarify no one else has taken it. If they have, you'll need to follow up with them to make sure they don't mind either. The second requirement is that you need to credit me somewhere, whether in the summary or the first chapter or wherever you'd like, just let readers know that the story is at least loosely based on someone else's idea (and give my username). 

That's all, folks! enjoy these ideas :) 

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