Not-So-Innocent Workout Session| Smut | Gl1TCh x Reader

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A/N: Thank you @hor4bigQ for requesting this. I hope you like!!

Not Edited. (N/N) means Nickname.




"Come on, you can do it!" Ronin encouraged, and Dahlia stood over me with her arms crossed.




"Two more left!" Ronin exclaimed. "Yeah, and we don't have all day." Dahlia said. "You try doing push-ups with someones foot on your back. Not to mention, with big ass boots!"



Dahlia lifted her foot of my back and backed away. "Two minutes and thirty-six seconds. That was worse than last time." She tossed the towel at me, and walked away. "But good job." Dahlia walked away. "Is that a COMPLIMENT, I hear?" I said trying to hear her better. "Either of you tell that to anyone and I WILL come for you." I laughed and backed away, and she walked out closing the door behind her. "Don't worry, she's like that to everyone." "I know, that's Dahlia for ya."

We talked for a bit before she left me alone in the weight room. I put my stuff back where it belonged and wiped my face with the towel and drank some water. As I was just about to leave, Gl1tch walked in.

"Hey! What's up?" I said, putting my dirty towel into a bin with all the other dirty towels, and I could feel Gl1tch's eyes on me. I blushed slightly, remembering what I was wearing and turned around. I smirked knowing, I was right about him checking me out and walked past him. He quickly yet, gently grabbed my hand.

"What's up, Gl1tch?" "I wanted to help you work out." He said pulling me closer to him. I gave him a look of uncertainty. I put my arms around his neck and looked at him dead in the eyes. "Are you really here to help? Or are you trying to get in my pants?" I asked leaning in more. "Of course, I am! And I meant to the working out part!" I looked at him, with another look of uncertainty. "Here, I'll prove it to you." He said, taking his vest off, and rolling up his sleeves, before grabbing two dumbbells, and motioning for me to go over to him.

"Take this dumbbell." I took the one he held out to me. "And we are going to do squats with them." He said demonstrating, how to properly do a squat. I begin to replicate it. "Like this?" "Yep! But make sure your feet are shoulder width apart." I nodded and did it again, making sure my feet placement was okay, before doing it again. I could feel his eyes on me again, and I just did a couple more before stopping.

"So, what are the dumbbells for?" " You can squat with them once you get the squatting without them down." He showed, different ways of squatting with the dumbbells, and just did the one were I hold it in-between my legs. "You're a natural." Said Gl1tch, as he watched. "But you better be careful where you do this at, because people will be all over you." "Like you are right now?" I said standing and putting the dumbbell down.

"That...That was uncalled for.." "Aww, did calling you out hurt your feelings?" I shook my head and went over to the treadmill. "No, but I know that something else will hurt." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and started off slow on the treadmill.

~Gl1tch's POV~

I took this opportunity to walk up behind (Y/N), and place my hands on her hips. She turned around and looked at me like I was crazy. "What are you doing?" "Don't about it, keep doing what you are doing." She sighed, but did as she was told. "Oh so you CAN follow directions!" I said, lightly grazing my fingers along her hips. "I always follow directions! And can you stop! Trying to focus." I stopped, knowing I made her blush, and brought my hands slowly down her legs, lightly dragging my fingers across her inner thigh, and she moved her leg away from hand.

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