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WARNING: I just want you all to know that this story is not for all. It contains sensitive issues and themes such as cheating and betrayal. If you already have read The Aftermath of Her Wildest Mistake's Special Chapter, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about here. So if you don't want the above mentioned themes to make your head throbbed out of frustration, please stop reading.

This story will also contain strong languages and explicit contents that might upset young minds. The characters are also going to be very flawed and might end up being hated, but that's the point of this story: to hate what should be hated; to not tolerate what shouldn't be tolerated.

If you have a long patience and open-mindedness, feel free to read this story. BUT! If you know to your self that this is not your cup of tea, please stop reading. That will save your peace of mind and mine, too.

I would also like to apologize in advance for whatever errors, immaturities, and neglected responsibilities I would have put in my story. Please know that I am doing my best to improve, and in any way possible, not promoting, romanticizing, nor normalizing sensitive issues and other form of red flags. Feel free to call me out nicely if I did something you think is wrong. I am willing to learn from you as how you learned from my stories.

Again, I already gave you a heads up. Please do not expect a good flow of sweetness in this story. It's all about the bitterness.

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