Important announcement.

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I have an announcement to make to everyone that read pink sunrise until now.
I'm rebooting it.
After i got some honestly good criticism from some friends, I've decided to reboot the fic.
This old version will stay here, but it will not be updated anymore.
The reboot will bring some changes to the fic in it's whole.

Number one: No smut.

Motive: bad at writing it, and honestly, it doesn't feel right anymore.

Number two: the setting will change to faraway town.

Motive: i don't know how to write a college fic, and I'd thought it would be better if i took back to faraway, because there's more stuff i can use for plotlines there, as there's also more characters, possible scenarios, and also, it would be better if i used a familiar environment.

Number three: writing style will change.

Motive: it has been pointed out to me that the writing style sounds very.. "robotic"
However, POVs shall not be used.
It will only be overall, improvements to the writing.

Number four: No more M.BULLY. (ANNAO stays tho)

Motive: there's no reason for me to have MASTER BULLY as an antagonist outside an college environment, or something similar, while ANNAO could be used more.

Number five: a new byte.

Motive: this is not only because of constructive criticism, but also the wish I have of bettering myself as a person in general.
I noticed many of the mistakes i did, not only here, but on my personal life too.
I am going to change, and for the better.
Pink sunrise needs to change too.

Number six, this may be the biggest change yet: i am going to have beta readers.

Motive: having only myself to say how good the fic is, is not helpful at all on writing.
Having some beta readers will help me much more than just reviewing the chapters myself.

All those changes are going to be permanent to pink(er) sunrise, the title of the reboot.
I hope you all understand the motive I'm doing this, and that's probably going to make the fic better as a whole.

Thank you all for reading pink sunrise, and stay tuned for pink(er) sunrise, coming on a Wattpad near you, in some moment.

End of pink sunrise. (At least, for now)

Special thanks to all my friends, and for helping me change for the better, one step at a time.

pink sunrise: a sunburn fanfic (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now