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I knew she was coming, Jean gave me the news though I was expecting a bigger and longer introduction from her. A sword or gun to threaten me back, maybe have Armin talk me back, or even the police ready to take me away... but no, she just started a fight with my apparent 'boyfriend'. That's a little much don't you think? I do. So here I am, trying to stuff her skinny frame into a potato bag. I can't say I'm very sad about it, she had me imprisoned, I escaped to freedom, and she comes here to try and take me back. I love her as a sister and that alone. Levi was going through her purse to rid of any evidence she was even here.

Ahh~ she's in. I slung the bag over my right shoulder and heaved it to the grave me and Levi made. Be thankful, we could have thrown her into a nearby lake or eat her. Plus, the grave took a lot of work! Was I actually free? I jumped, startled by Levi's sudden appearance behind me, he seemed fidgety. Well...more fidgety than usual. I stood abruptly and waited for his reaction.

"You may wanna see this..." he said quietly, handing me a folded up, run down newspaper from maybe a year ago or so. Around the time I had supposedly killed Jean. In this case though, the header claimed differently.

"Boy found near an abandoned shed, suspect:Mikasa Ackerman" it read. But I had killed him right? Hadn't I? I'm positive I did but- "It was her." A familiar, very unneeded voice rang behind me. Jean. "She's very clever. I punched you. You threw a hammer. She finished the job. To be honest that throw was sorta puny." He shrugged.

"So that sister did it. Not me?" I rubbed my forhead which was aching uncontrollably. "Why did she do this to me?" My voice was cracked and tears stung my eyes. "It was her. And she trapped me. All alone with no-no o-outside communication. What was her plan? I-I could've went to college and...- DING DONG The bell-doorbell I mean, chimed. Why now? I'm having a mid-life crisis! It was up until now I hadn't looked at Levi. He was panicking, had he been talking to me? I don't know. DING DONG It rang again. Persistant. I walked past Levi and into my-er-our[?] room and started stuffing clothes into suitcases hidden at the top of the closet. Levi caught my drift and also started packing. Shoes, clothes, toiletries, food, blankets and more. We exited the window, though I had to help Levi up to reach it. "What's your plan?" he poked my side.

"Bus? Or train? We're going to Canada illegally." He zoned out as if thinking, interuppted though due to the sound of our front door being kicked in. Holy shit who does this dude think he is?

"Train." He muttered hastily speed walking away ahead of me. I followed of coarse. We're getting out of here.

Sorry it's late...and short...I wanna start a new story tbh. Legoutxarmin, LegoutxJean, or Hideyoshixakihisa?

InsanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon