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Canada? Going to a different country would surely clear our names, but why not Mexico? I need to tan for gods sake. I like Mexico better. Heh...Chubacabera.
I followed Eren towards the train station which wasn't as far as I thought. He'd been crying about what his evil sister did to him for 1 and a half years. Never seeing the light of day. At least we're getting out of here, I've always wanted out and now I have it. I'll take advantage of it as well. We walked for maybe an hour, not as long as I'd expected thank god, if there is one. We waited patiently at the train station, there weren't many people there, an old lady, a three-person family, and a couple stuffing their faces. One had a buzz-cut while the other had brown hair tied into a loose pony-tail. They were eating chili-dogs with extra chili and extra dog. Jesus christ, she should be at least the size of honey boo boos mom [nothing against chubby people, Tbh I find chubby girls much more attractive ;) ] by now, But no, skinny as a stick. Same for the boy, I returned my gaze to Eren, one reason cause it's rude to stare, and strangle people to death but everyone makes mistakes. Another reason is cause he started talking.

"The train should be here in about 15 minutes." he explained, looking at the train schedule. I nodded in sync with his words and turned to watch the railroad tracks. I watched as dirt started to shift and a body dug up through the fresh soil. It was woman-like with a red scarf. Erens sister was in my illusion. She pulled herself on all fours and started her way over to me. I was making the same gurgling sound as when I was strangling her. Her eyes were lazy, as if, of coarse, dead. Her skin wasn't peeling nor falling off but it looked ragged, rough, and pale. Her clothes, including the scarf, was torn and matted with dirt and dead insects. She truly looked like a haunted china doll-like little zombie girl. Her crawling and rapid gurgles continued, picking up speed towards me every second. She made it to the other side of the railroad tracks, across from me entirely. I stiffened, she was getting closer. I was able to keep myself contained, I knew very well it was just an illusion, but it's like your nightmares. You watch a scary movie or have a fear of bugs. You know it's not there or it can't harm you, yet, you scream when it crosses the line. And this illusion of mind, brain game, was crossing that line. I scooted back into my seat, closer to Eren. I nudged his arm rather sharply.
"Sing." I kept my eyes on the now trying to stand up corpse across from me. I didn't have to look to see Erens confusion.
"Levi, what's wrong?" he followed my gaze but saw nothing. That's cause nothing's there. It's just me, and me alone. I hate being alone. I hate the dark, I hate sickness, I hate filth, I hate myself. Why can't I be normal? Live a nice little normal life? Why, when I try to die, I never do? Why is it, I swallow a handful of pills, but throw them up? Why is it, I slit my wrist but never cut deep enough? Or never bleed out fast enough before it stops? Why, when I jump off a high surface, I only seem to break my own fall? Why, because I wanted to die, was I put in a facility that made me want to die even more? Am I being punished? Why me?
"Sing." I responded again.
Eren didn't ask anymore questions but instead started singing quietly, to where, only I could hear.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed.
When you get what you want, but not what you need.
When you feel so tired but you just can't sleep.
Stuck in reverse~ And the tears come streaming down your face.
When you lose something you can't replace.
When you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse?~"
"Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you~"

I don't have much of a description for the taste in my mouth. I was like I was eating a rainbow or clouds. It wasn't the best but I love it. Colors collided in front of me, blocking out the the illusion like grannies block out haters. The illusion wavered. The train had hit her actually but that's fine with me. We boarded together, me clutching Erens arm like my life depended on it. Just in case she came back of coarse, Eren didn't seem to mind very much at all, better yet, he squeezed my hand in reassurence as we sat down. Without warning, he started singing again, quietly.

"And high up above or down below.
When you're too in love to let it go.
But if you never try, you'll never know, Just what you're worth~
Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you~"

"Sleep Levi, it's a long trip and you need it." He was smiling through red puffy eyes due to crying in recent past and I was in no place to argue. I wrapped his arm around me and listened to his angelic singing.

"Tears stream down your face.
When you lose something you cannot replace.
Tears stream down your face and I...

Tears stream down your face
I promise you, I will learn from my mistakes.
Tears stream down your face and I...

Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you~

I drifted into an endless dream on Erens shoulder. I had wonderful dreams, saw beautiful colors, tasted different flavors, and felt...happy for the first time in years.

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