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It was evening and I went to my flat after leaving Satyam to the dorm. 

I took a bath and sat on the sofa preparing the layout and ideas for the competitions. But still I could not get that figure out of my mind, I somehow felt uneasy and after debating in my mind for like one hour, I called Satyam to confront.


hey . I hope I didn't disturb you, I said hesitantly.

satyam : No , its fine I was just standing at the balcony to have some fresh air.

Are you okay? I mean did something happen?

satyam : (paused) no .. nothing happen.. (nervous laugh was all I could hear at the end)

stop lying to me will you, i demanded. 

Now, its enough tell me what actually happened there at the cafe hn?

(I could hear him how his voice turned deep)

satyam : My .. my father.. he was there.. 

(I gulped after listening because this was the least I could have ever expected.)



I was taken aback with that slap right on my face. I could not process what was actually happening with me right now.

Satyam and I , we were classmates since elementary school. Just like other classmates we helped, talked and the reason we had this deep bond of friendship we were never really scared of showing it. So when Satyam told me that he wants to become a singer, I supported him as that's what a good friend should do. right?

But he was scared to tell this to his father, who was an engineer and wanted him to become an IES officer (Indian Engineering Service). So when we discussed about it , I thought I would go and surprise him at home and talk about this to his father on his behalf and that's what I did. But the result did not turned out to be good. I was rather slapped and smashed out of the house with a warning that I am rich so I can become anything but not him. 

And that was the first time I realised that money mattered so much, even more than our.. DREAMS.


And why .. did .. he come? I asked nervously.

satyam : I .. I .. ran away. I could feel he was crying as his voice was breaking down.

I was stunned, shocked .. not knowing what to say. Since I know what it means to fight for our dreams. I felt ... i don't know .. what i felt. it was something different .


I ended the call. And stood there.  

I had to ask him that is this what he really wants to do. So I .. ran to his dorm which was almost 20 minutes away from my flat. 

I called him to come outside the dorm. And I guess he was shocked to see me there suddenly.

Our eyes were interlocked when reduced the distance in between of each other. I could see him... how helpless he was feeling. 

And before I could even call his name, he hugged me. My hands were still in the air, he was continuously going deep in the space of my neck and shoulder. I could feel my top getting wet because of his tears. I somehow felt again weird. Obviously, it was not the type of hug he did me in the morning. It was .. somewhat.. different... 

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