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I'm back guys😊



Lisa: Wake ya'll asses up

Ro:L...Lisa it's 7 in the morning

T: Lisa what the hell

Lisa: We have a big day, get up now or else ima pour water on ya'll

Ro&T: Jumps up fast and they do their thing

Studio Time

The girls walk in the studio and they see JE and Jodeci (JAGGED EDGE)

T: Hey Boys

JE: Hey Girls

Chilli: Hey Boys How ya'll been ?

Boys: We've been good

Lisa:So what are we doing today and why are we here

Jodeci: we're all doing a song together Lefty

TLC: that's cool, we're down for it

JE: alright let's get to work

JE, Jodeci and TLC been working on songs all day and recording them in the studio

Later that night at TLC's house

Chilli: Today was cool, I'm glad we got to work with JE and Jodeci

T:Yeah me too, they are talented

Lisa: Very talented man

T: well I'm going to sleep I love ya'll

L: me too, good night ya'll & I love you too T

C: Good night girls and I love ya'll more

So guys tell me what ya'll think 😊

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I love my TLC readers😘❤️❤️

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