Pebbles and the girls

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Pebbles: okay girls y'all did good. Tionne and Lisa y'all can stay ummm Crystal you can go....

T&L: uh Pebbles why did you tell Crystal to leave ?

Pebbles:She can't sing, and you two girls did a wonderful job... I need to find y'all another member....

(next day Pebbles meets Ro)

Pebbles: Hello guys I'm Pebbles and I'm looking for a girl who can sing and dance...

Ro: Umm Hi Ms.Pebbles, Did you know I could sing ?

Pebbles:No sweetie

Ro: You don't seem to get it do you, you better wake up I'm doing us a favor boy st-

Pebbles:Okay Ro, I'll see you tomorrow morning 10 o'clock sharp at the studio

Ro:Okay see ya there .

This my first story guys... I hope y'all like it

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