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Lisa starts screaming....

Lisa: Ro wake up,wake up please come on you gotta make it.. You can't leave Tron,T-Boz and me😢😢.

Lisa gets in the car with Ro and drives to the hospital and she calls T-Boz

Lisa:H-Hello Tionne.. Ro got shot by Dallas and I'm taking her to the hospital right now ....

Tionne:What 😢? I'm on my way and I'm gonna murder Dallas long football ass head

Lisa: Okay Here Tionne

Tionne: Okay

(End of the phone conversation)

At the hospital Lisa rushes in the doors with Ro

Lisa: Somebody help me.. My sister got shot help me please

Doc: What happened Miss

Lisa: we was talking and her ex bf ran up on her and shot her 2 times... Doc Please save my sister.

Doc: okay miss I will do my best

Lisa: See Tionne walking in tears

Tionne: What happened Lisa?

Lisa: Me and Ro was talking and Dallas ran up on us with a gun and when we was running, he shot Ro two times 😢.. Tionne we can't lose her ... What about Tron ?

Tionne: LiLi I know we can't lose her and we will explain to Tron what happened...

Lisa:Tionne w-we can't lost her 😢

Tionne: We gotta stay strong Li Li

Lisa: Okay

The doctor comes back with bad news

Doc: Family of Ms.Thomas

Lisa&Tionne: that's us

Doc: Well we did do surgery on her but she didn't make it

Lisa&Tionne:W-What ? No You have to save her, that's our sister

Doc: I'm so sorry ladies

Lisa: What are we gonna do ? What are we gonna tell Tron and her parents ?

Tionne: I honestly don't know LiLi😢

Lisa: I love you T

Tionne: I love you too

What will Tionne and Lisa tell Tron ? What's gonna happen to Dallas


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