Studio Time

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TLC was working on their next album

Lisa walked into Chilli's room

Lisa: Ro... Where is she ? We have to be @ the studio in 20 mins

Ro: Oh hey LiLi

Lisa:Where you been Chillay ? We have studio session in 20 mins we're gonna be late... Let's go

Ro: Lemme change my clothes and we can go ok

Lisa: Laughs Ha ... Ok Chill Chill

They hear a knock at the door

Opens the door and it's T

T: Good Morning Y'all

L&C: Good morning sista

T: y'all we gotta leave like NOW or else Miss Granny Pants gonna have a melt down

L&R: We don't have time for her melts downs today... We've been working our asses off day and night and we aren't getting any money

T: we'll talk about that while we're on our way to the studio ...

Lisa: this money thing don't sound right to me .. How are we making all of these videos and songs with no money ... Something's not right with that and we're gonna find out..

Chilli: Your right LiL....

They walk in the studio

Pebbles: Hi Girls

TLC: hi ....

Pebbles: Dallas came up with some songs for y'all to record .. Let's get started

TLC: ok they look at the songs and smile these are dope Dallas

Dallas: Thanks .... We're gonna start off with T verse ... Lisa verse and then T-Boz and Chilli together and then Lisa bust in a few verses

TLC: cool let's goo

Dallas: Plays the beat

T-Boz: starts singing a short verse

Left Eye: start rapping her short verse

Chilli: starts singing her short verse

T&C: start singing together

Lefteye: starts rapping and end the song

Dallas: ok Good ... Y'all are done for today

TLC: ok let us hear it

Dallas&TLC: It's dope

Pebbles: walks in y'all have 2 performance tomorrow

TLC: we have been waiting for this time to come and we're gonna kill the shows tomorrow

Pebbles: Alright girls ... Get some rest for tomorrow see y'all

TLC: see ya... Wait Pebbles we have to ask you something

Pebbles: What is it ?

TLC: what's up with our money ? How come we're making all of these songs and videos but we ain't getting no money ? Where's the money Pebbles ?

Pebbles: Girls don't worry about it okay ...I'll handle it ok... Y'all trust me right ?

Lisa: I guess

Pebbles: ok see ya

Enjoy it 😘

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