•🌙•Chapter 7•🌙•

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Razor's POV


It's the same as every other day, waking up, eating, sleeping, and more eating.

Things have started to change though, I actually made a friend. He doesn't care about the fact that I talk funny, or that I don't act like other people in general.

"Razor!!" The boy calls and runs up to me in the center of Mondstadt.


"You know what we should do??"

"What should we do?"

"We should go adventuring again! I think we should go to Liyue, or maybe even Inazuma! We could ask Lisa! I bet she would let us! I could take you out for a few days-" He stops for a second and stares.

"W-wait I didn't mean it like that! I meant like we could like yknow go on a somewhat longer term adventure!"

I didn't get what he was rambling about "sure, I'll ask mom." I reply to him.

"Yay! My dad already said I could!"

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Let's go ask Lisa right now! So we can prepare if she says yes." He exclaims.

"Oh okay."

We head to the Knights of Favonius library, where mom is for work.

We open the door to the library and see her organizing books at a bookshelf when she turns to smile at us.

"Hey cuties! What are you guys doing here?" She asks.


"Me and Razor want to go to Liyue for a huge adventure!! And I wanted to ask if I could take him for a few days! Since the trip to Liyue will be somewhat long."

"Oh sure! I'm not worried about him getting hurt with you, you just have to promise me that he won't for precaution."

"I promise that Razor will be home safe." He exclaims and smiles brightly.

"Good." She replies and ruffles his hair.

"What time are you guys leaving?"

"We actually planned to get ready when we got confirmation from you!"

"Alright, be safe!"

"Thank you mom." I say.

"You're welcome Razor. Have fun!" She says and waves goodbye.

We walk to my house and I fill a bag with things we will need. Food, a few changes of clothes, water, and a blanket.

"Alright let's go to my house, I want to get a few extra things."

"Okay." I reply as we walk to Bennett's house, I've never really been there before.

When Bennett opens the door we see a large man right by the door.

"Hey Bennett! And who's your little friend you got there?" He greets.

"This is my friend Razor! His mom said that we can go on the adventure so we came to get some stuff!" He replies.

"Okay! Good luck. Trips to Liyue can be challenging sometimes." The man says and continues to chug his drink.

Bennett walks off into a hallway and in a bedroom.

I follow him.

"Okay so we should get some more water and food for my bag, and obviously a change of clothes. I'm gonna add an umbrella in case it rains."  He rambles as he stuffs things into his bag.

"Alright! Let's head out." He exclaims.

"Okay." I reply.

He grabs onto my hand as we walk out of the house.

"Now! Time to go adventuring!" Bennett exclaims.

We walk in silence

"We should avoid Dragonspine and go around it. I hate Dragonspine." He furrows his eyebrows in slight annoyance.

"What happens in Dragonspine."

"Extreme cold. And freezing." He shivers a bit.

"Oh okay. Well then we can go right, we can probably cut around that area."

"We can, don't worry Razor!" He says and puts his hands on his hips.


Bennett's POV


I've never really been to Liyue before, but I wanted to share this experience with Razor. I don't want to bore him, but there isn't much I can do until we get there.

I don't want him to freeze to death either so I have to go around Dragonspine.

We walk until we get to Bishui plain.

"We should rest here for the night. There's a tent from a group of hilichurls. I'm assuming they won't need it anymore." I say as I turn and look at the group of damaged masks on the ground.

Razor sets his stuff up a bit, pulling out a blanket he had brought with him.

"Oh shoot!"

"What is it Bennett?" Razor asks and looks at me with a worried look.

"I forgot a blanket.." How did I even forget, I'm such an idiot.

"You can have mine." He says and tries to hand me the red blanket.

"No Razor. It's my fault not yours."

"You do a lot for me, this is nothing." He says and smiles softly.

"No. Seriously keep it!"

"No. You take it." He says and shoves the blanket towards me.

"No you keep it." I reply and shove it back towards him.


This is a very odd point to end a chapter but I have to save the good idea for the next chapter or else I'll be stuck on what to do next again

Anyways thank you for the love! I didn't expect this story to get so much love- but thank you!! It means a lot!

Also best of luck to Yoimiya, Xinyan, Sayu, and Diona wanters on Yoimiyas banner!! I'm trying to get Sayu and use my guarantee on Yoimiya because I can't help it- Albedo is temporary Yoimiya is eternal.

I'm just kidding. I'll try to get both. Cause I love them both <3


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