Chapter 19

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~1 week later

Queen Shirley has been restoring the Bonè kingdom, piece by piece. She has sent guards to re-build the homes of the villagers. Some of the butlers helped the villagers with food and supplies. It was a beautiful day, and the breeze was brim. On the balcony where her father was murdered, The Queen walks upon the cold balcony. She wore a long lace dress, with a see through flannel starting at her waist. The Queen had a whole new makeover. Her hair was a cute curly fro, her hair was long enough to rest on her shoulders. Her skin was lighten, a result of the glow from the love Laurent has given her.

The wind blew in her face, blowing through her curls. The clicking of her glass heels, and the laughter of young children. Shirley looks over the balcony, watching the kingdom brighten in joy.

Kids ran and chased each other, adults rejoiced and talked to their friends and family.

It all made the Queen, happy. She made the villagers feel how the Queen hated them to feel.

As the Queen looks over the balcony, she smiles and watches over her own kingdom. Before noticing, someones wraps around her waist. The stranger kisses her neck, "Bonjour, my Queen.", a familiar husky voice said

Shirley turns around, to see her loved one, Laurent. She rubs his hands, and slightly giggles. "Bonjour my love.", Shirley responded

Laurent faces Shirley towards him, and looks into her beautiful eyes.

You then could hear villagers cheering and ranting, "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!"

Shirley and Laurent giggle with each other, looking down at the villagers enthusiasm. Looking into each others eyes, they lock lips into a passionate kiss. The crowd roars in excitement, showing their appreciation for the happy couple.

They pull from the kiss, laughing with each other.

"You've made the kingdom a better place, Queen Shirley.", Laurent said bumping heads with her

"Just as i planned, thank you, King Laurent.", Shirley smirked

Shirley walks around the castle, watching the butlers and guards work. "Queen Shirley!!", a guard ran to her, in a rush. "Yes, what seems to be wrong?", Shirley asked

"It is your mother! She has been shot!", The guard cried

"What!?", Shirley asked in extreme shock

"Please, ma'am! Follow me!", the guard insisted, grabbing her hand

The Queen and the guard run to her injured mother. Once they got up the stairs, they ran to her room. Bursting through the door, ''MOTHER!!'', Shirley yelled in tears. Running to her mothers side, with a bloody spot on her side. Selena was laid out on the balcony floor, butlers sat her head up as they tried their best to keep her awake.

''Mother! Mother please awaken, please stay awaken!'', Shirley cried, squeezing onto her mothers hand

''Shirley, my child. Please calm, your mother is fine.'', Selena said smirking at Shirley

''Mom, what happened?! Who did this??!'', Shirley cried

''Please, Shirley do not worry about me. It is just a tiny wound, nothing ser- ssss ouch!'', Selena puts her hand over her bloody wound, flinching in pain

''LAURENT!!'', Shirley yelled, turning back to the door

Her screams were loud enough to echo through the whole kingdom

Butler Bourgeois was no butler anymore, he was the Captain of the guards and troops. His senses were activated, and he instantly sensed danger. From his stroll around the castel, he races to the danger. Finally reaching the scene, Laurent drops everything and runs to Selena's side aswell.

''Selena, what has happened! You must let us know!'', Laurent said worried

''Please, just get me some cloth, and please wrap up my wound.'', Selena lowly said

''MEDIC!!'', Laurent yelled

~Hours later

Selena has been shot bad, but she was going to live. That arrow was very much dangerous, even more dangerous then regular ones. How was it different? Well, the tip of the arrow was dipped in some liquid. Most likely rattlesnake poison, but Selena was lucky this time. Selena was lucky enough to not take immediate effect from the poison. The poison did not reach her organs, which was a miracle for a wound that severe.

Selena was also forced to stay in bed, until she recovered from the injury. Shirley did check on her everyday though, sometimes she would even cuddle up with her mom and sleep with her. Selena would tell Shirley tales about when she was younger, and how much fun she had with Shirley. Laurent would drop in once or twice, but he was very busy, the kingdom was considered, under attack. And had to pay full attention to any intruders. They also had to keep an eye out for the mysterious assasin that striked Selena. That actually confused people, after everyone found out that Queen Bella was the assasin of her husband, they thought she was the striker of Selena too. Since Queen Bella hated Selena, but the puzzles were still mixed up. How could Queen Bella strike, if she was pronounced dead? She was literally killed infront of the whole village. Who could have struck Selena, everyone else in the kingdom loves her, but who could that one person be to hate her so much to shoot her with a death shot?

Bonjour mon amours! Can yall figure out this mystery before chapter 20? Also known as the chapter finale?! Yes, Chapter 20 will be the last chapter. But dont worry, this is only episode 1, so episode 2 will be up soon after the next chapter! I know i know, im awesome! Lol anyways, thanks for reading. I know yall was thirsty for a update, cause i sure as hell was. I be reading my stuff over too, to make sure i didnt mis-spell sum, andddd cause it gives me ideas reading over it. Lol anyways, thanks! Vote, comment, love!

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