v. bottoms up!

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bottoms up!

CHAPTER V: bottoms up!

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( October 1994 )


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The day had finally come to a close as classes ended and students gathered in the Great Hall to place their names in the Goblet of Fire. Cedric Diggory stood beside his closest friends trying to convince Ginger that it wasn't as bad of an idea as it sounded. Ginger shook her head at his decision of putting his name in mostly because he probably didn't hear the dangerous mentions of the tournament.

"Gin, my name probably won't even be chosen." He bargained as she leaned against a wall with Alexander beside her.

"And if it is?" she raised her eyebrows at him with crossed arms. He looked to Alex for some assistance but got a frantic head shake in response.

He sighed and smiled at her, "then I get eternal glory and you get half of my winnings to build the astronomy tower connected to your room that you've always wanted." She bit the inside of her cheek to refrain a smile from creeping up on her.

"Excuse me, but what portion of your winnings do I get?" a voice beside them spoke up. They turned their heads to Alexander. "I mean, I agree this is your worst idea yet, and you've swallowed a marble to see if you could feel it in your intestines." Ginger laughed loudly at the memory.

"No, no, that was her idea, I just wanted to see if it was possible." Then as the conversation was about to continue, two sets of voices came cheering into the room, the Weasley twins. With their entrance, the students in the room loudly cheered with them, eager to see what their newest antics entailed.

"Thank you, thank you, well lads we've done it." "Cooked it up just this morning." They each quieted their classmates and showed up a vile in their hands, Ginger guided the boys to sit down on one of the benches to watch their antics in action, expectant expressions clouded their faces as they watched.

"It's not going to work," Hermione Granger singsonged. The twins turned to her and guided themselves to two different sides of her.

"Oh yeah?" "Why's that, Granger?" they smirked at her.

"You see this?" she motioned the glowing line around the goblet. "This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself." The twins raised their eyebrows at her, "So?"

"So," she scoffed and closed her book. "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted such as an ageing potion."

"But that's why is so brilliant." "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." They stood up and shook the vials in their hands.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up!"

They drank down whatever they had cooked up in the viles that very morning and jumped inside the age line, cheered, and raised their hands to ask for applause. One of the twins looked in Ginger's direction to see her with an amused smile playing at her features while clapping her hands for them, he shot her a wink and a smile that made her grin even more.

"Gin are you alright? Your ears are looking pinkish," Alex asked from beside her, she hadn't even felt the heat rising to her face till he said that. Before she could answer, two bodies were thrown across the room, once again the twins.

They groaned in pain while their hair started to turn all kinds of grey, "You said!" "No, you said!" They began to roll around on the floor arguing about who said what as a crowd formed around them.

The cheering trailed off paying attention to the lurking silence that overcame the room. It was Viktor Krum's presence that overwhelmed the student body with mystery and solemness. He stalked over to the goblet and triumphantly put his name in it, glueing his eyes on a fourth-year, Hermione Granger.

He walked away from it and the rooms aura physically became more upbeat, Madame Pomfrey walked into the room just as Viktor left and took a look at the aged twins and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I should've known it was you two." The two boys stood up and gave each other hasty shoves before following the woman towards the exit.

Ginger watched as the two walked out of the Great Hall, beards and all. She mentally noted that there was a possibility she would be friends with them by the close of the school year, so she noted once more that this year would be a year to remember. A year filled with tournaments and french people and fun.

She giggled at the thought of being close with them and also made her way to the exit with Cedric and Alexander beside her.

The twins were an odd duo. Extravagant and bold and loud, but Ginger wouldn't have want to be friends with any other pair of twins.

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