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( September 1995 )
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"DO I REALLY HAVE TO GET UP AND GO?" Ginger groaned while making her body limp against Alexander who was pulling her arms.
"Yes, I can't bear another meal sitting by myself. And the others have been asking about you, the twins, Lee, Angelina, Cho, and Luna." He tugged at her limp body once more becoming tired before the school day could even start.
"No way that many people asked for me," she sat up straight with furrowed eyebrows.
Alex huffed catching his breath, "yes, over the course of three days after you were given detention, that you haven't gone to yet, that many people asked about you. You're sort of famous right now besides Harry," he let go of her arms to which she took it as an opening to fall back on the bed. "Stop doing that! You're acting like a five-year-old!"
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too!"
"Am not, am not, am not!"
He stopped his pulling to look at her incredulously. She pursed her lips thinking about how childish she really was acting. "Fine, maybe a little."
"A little?" he scoffed finally pulling her to stand. "You are going to school, getting the best grades ever, and you have to apologize to Umbridge."
She stopped her movements with wide eyes. "Me? Apologize to her? She nearly broke my nose and knocked my teeth in!"
Alex sighed, "yes, she did," he seethed thinking about it. "But you need to be on her good side like the Slytherins. She's making learning a nightmare for those who don't meet her standards."
"And how exactly am I supposed to get on her good side after I shouted at her in class, called her illiterate, old bat, and a liar, while also disagreeing with her for a solid fifteen minutes?"
"Easy," he shrugged, "lie."
"HELLO? PROFESSOR UMBRIDGE?" Ginger cautiously peeped her head inside the madwoman's blindingly pink office.
The woman's head perked up at her voice and her eyes matched that of a scowl but her expression suggested she was pleased to see Ginger. "Hello, Miss Lunette. Please come in."
Ginger uneasily nodded stepping in fidgeting with her hands behind her back. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day before I set foot in your class next week." The girl put as much sincerity in her words as she could muster up to seem like she meant every word. Umbridge blinked raising her eyebrows seemingly shocked. "My behavior was completely unacceptable, especially towards a new educator here. I admit that it wasn't the best first impression or welcoming for either of us."
The woman let out her usual hem hem noise as if agreeing with her words. "Yes, I agree and admire that you're finally coming to your senses." Ginger held back a scoff as much as she could so it only came out as a hiccup. "But if this is an attempt at getting out of detention, then you're out of luck."
Ginger was fully aware she wouldn't be getting out of detention with the woman, she had accepted that the day of her outburst. "No, this is just me wanting to be mature about this and admit that I was in the wrong. That day was just a bad day for me and I immaturely took it out on you and for that, I am the sorriest, professor." Her guilty face created a sickly sweet smile on the pink lady's face.
"Well, Miss Lunette, I accept the apology that was most needed from you." Ginger was words away from getting wishing to become violent the moment Umbridge opened her mouth. "Now, you will serve your single detention with me after class next week." The girl was shocked a bit that she had only requested one day of detention but she nodded respectfully.
After nodding understanding, Ginger turned on her heel relieving her face of its false sincerity.
"Oh, and Miss Lunette?"
She restricted a groan putting on her doe-eyed façade.
"Don't let it happen again."
Biting her tongue to avoid a stream of swears from leaving past her pink lips, Ginger only nodded before rushing out of the office before she would submerge herself into any more trouble.
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