xiii. failed attempt

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failed attempt

CHAPTER XIII: failed attempt

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( December 1994 )


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      DAYS AFTER THE ODD ENCOUNTER WITH GEORGE, LEE, AND FRED, GINGER SAT IN HER POTIONS CLASS WITH THEM. Snape stood droning on about the newest subject and the four students sat bored with his voice while nearly the end of the class.

      Ginger, with her head on her crossed arms that were on the table, began to doze at the mention of the antidote to garotting gas.

      From beside and behind her, the boys all seemed to be silently communicating about asking the tired girl to the ball that was in only two days. George still hadn't asked Ginger to the ball and Fred and Lee were losing their minds over it, they both had dates to the ball and were eager to make sure George had one too.

      "Just ask her you bloke!" What's the worst that could happen?" Lee whisper shouted growing agitated. Snape whipped his head in the direction of their table and glared at the trio not seeing Ginger sleeping as the student in front of her blocked his eyesight of her. The boys straightened their posture at the professors stare until he returned to his lesson

      George slowly turned back around to his friend and brother while keeping his eye on the professor, "can't you see she's asleep?" he motioned towards the girl breathing lightly beside him.

      "Then do it later," Fred rolled his eyes at his twin.

      "Do what later?"

      The eyes of the three boys all widened as they turned to the yawning girl. George quickly became red in the face as she began packing her things seeing as class was seconds away from being over. "Look... at our... dress robes! Yes, we have to check on our dress robes to make sure they match our dates dresses," Lee quickly spoke in a tone that indicated he wasn't sure about anything he was saying, Ginger caught his odd tone but thought nothing of it. "But George wasn't going to since he doesn't have a date."

"Ouch." George glared at his friend who shrugged as they exited the classroom.

"Oh, we'll I've got a free period so I'll be off to the library, George you could join me if you like, no pressure though since libraries don't seem like your"

      "I'll go." He interrupted her, he pursed his lips into a thin line in regret for seeming so desperate but she didn't seem to mind it.

      Beginning to walk the way to the library Ginger said a small "Bye!" and waved at the two retreating boys while Lee and Fred motioned for George to ask her to the ball.

      "HAVE YOU EVER READ THE LOVERS UNDER THE STARS?" Ginger questioned George as she returned the book to its spot she found it in. George nodded no.

      "I don't think you'd like it very much, it was very boring for the first ten chapters but they eventually realized their love for each other after a year." She shrugged, he sat at a table nearby to avoid hovering around her while she looked for books.

      "How about a small summary?" he put his chin in his hand and elbow on the table. She smiled from her spot in the aisle in front of him while continuing to look around.

      "First ten chapters are unimportant really, it's just them becoming friends and small things-" she stumbled over her own foot but caught herself. Her head whipped in the direction of the boy with her to see if he saw and he had been snickering to himself watching her. "You didn't see that."

      "Whatever you say, Moon." He shrugged with a smile.

      Her heart unknowingly skipped a beat or two at the nickname he had for her but she kept speaking, "he falls first, very quickly and very hard, it's a bit unrealistic but fitting for the story." She rounds the corner as her fingers flit over covers and covers. "He tries to conceal it for a while because he didn't sure she thinks about him that way and he didn't want to ruin their friendship." She checked through the books to see if he had found something more entertaining than her speaking but he seemed to be following her voice, fully immersed in every word that slipped off her tongue.

      She smiled to herself, "she realized her love for him a lot later than he did, it took her a while because she hadn't seen too many people romantically." She finally picked out a book and paused to read the title before retreating to George.

      His eyes seemed to shine when they saw her approaching the table but she supposed it was just the lighting.

      She stared at him for a moment, his freckles reminded her of constellations in the sky which made her even more pleased to be his friend. She loved people who reminded her of the sky. And George reminded her of two things. Constellations and the Sun. His freckles were mostly for the constellations so there wasn't much to that part. But he was a very bright person, personality-wise and physically. He brought a certain joy out from Ginger she hadn't been too familiar with, always seeming to make her laugh and smile even if he barely did anything.

      "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he interrupted her thoughts. She blinked a smiled for what seemed like the millionth time in the last hour she had been with the boy. "Go on with the story, don't let my beauty distract you," he flipped his hair over his shoulder dramatically with a wink.

      "Right, um, after years of knowing each other they both confessed their love for each other and promised they'd get married, " She concluded.

      George put his arm down and folded it with his other one, "Well did they?"

      "Did they what?"

      "Get married."

      "Oh, I never finished the book." He furrowed his eyebrows at her as if asking her to explain. "I had put the book down because I nearly cried when she cried for yelling at her. See I understand he was stressed but he should've taken a moment to breathe and think about what he would say next," she rambled on about the book. "I only know they promised to get married because I accidentally read the wrong chapter when I woke up in the middle of the night."

      "Why'd you wake up in the middle of the night?"

      Ginger shrugged, "Who knows." She stood from her seat and put her new book in her bag, slung it over her shoulder and motioned for George to leave with her. He obviously complied and followed her out of the library.

     They stopped in front of the library doors, "Well I'm off to Divination, thank you for being my company in the library and listening to me ramble nonsense about that book." He smiled down at her, having the idea of asking her to the ball completely slip his mind.

      "You're very welcome, Moon."

      Both teens began walking in the opposite direction of each other, Ginger with a smile that was beginning to hurt her cheeks and George with the same smile, but it immediately dropped as he realized why he went to the library with her in the first place. Putting his hands over his face and groaning, George then had one day to fix his failed attempt at asking Ginger to the ball.

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