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I hate almost everything about myself

I hate my face, I'm not cute, I'm not pretty and i don't look how I want to, my face hurts me

I hate my natural hair color, I want to look like a handsome blonde prince from the movies

I hate my eyes, I want beautiful ocean colored eye or emerald green eyes

I hate my lips, I think their too full too feminine for me

I hate my appearance, I'm always compared to people who seem evil because of my appearance I hate it so much I wish I could be torn apart and be completely remade

I hate my body, I hate everything about it, my legs, my thighs, my arms, everything

I hate my chest, hopefully the reason is obvious

I hate my ears, they are uneven

I hate my feet, they feel too small..

I hate my height, I feel too short too tiny

I hate how my body is shaped I feel grossly feminine (being feminine isn't a bad thing I'm just not fond of being perceived as a female because of my body's shape)

I hate my feelings, I either feel nothing or I feel overwhelming amounts of emotions

I hate my brain, I hate hating myself for things that I can't control

I hate me, but the one thing I can say I don't hate is you, yeah the person who took time out of their day to read a stupid book about me hating myself, I honestly congratulate you on caring about someone who can't care about themselves so thank you, I'm probably going to ignore comment notifications if they come through because I don't think I could handle reading them right now, I will probably look at them at like 3am or whenever I feel better I don't really want comments but I don't want to figure out how to turn them off

things I hate about myself and why, ⚠️TW⚠️Where stories live. Discover now