page 3 ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️ mentions of S/A

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I really fucking hate myself, and it's hard to explain in words why I hate myself, I hate my personality and how I think, I hate that other people like me (probably because it's very hard to off yourself when you are made aware that people care about you) I hate that I fall in love so fucking easy and get attached so quickly, I hate that sometimes I can't love anyone, I hate that I can't get over trauma that happened when I was 5, and maybe I don't have to get over it but I want to because it's getting harder and harder to look at the person who gave me trauma and not see a monster, he was young himself and my whole life my family has swept it under the rug to keep him safe to keep him from having what he did to me on his permanent record so I have to live with what he did my whole life and still be traumatized by it 10 years later but he gets to forget, he gets forgiven and never has to deal with the repercussions of his actions, I told someone and I got fucked over for it I get the trauma and he gets off scott free, and I hate that I can't let it go I hate myself because of what happened I hate it all.. why? Why does a child have to live with the permanent scars of that kind of thing happening and the older have to face no consequences? I'm done being scared to tell people what happened, now I'd the time to click away if the topic of S/A is a trigger for you
I was sexually assaulted when I was 5 years old by my 8 year old brother, and I'm done being quiet about it because I'm still affected by it and I'm done with not being able to talk about it because it's my trauma not his

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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things I hate about myself and why, ⚠️TW⚠️Where stories live. Discover now