just keep swimming

17 1 3

through what? elephant cum.
anyway this book was meant for my ocs so if you have like a grudge against them or something you can leave

are they gone?

okay ima just put their sexualities n shit here cause why not 🏃‍♀️🚗

tsuya's unlabelled, cisgender and allosexual, she/her

acid's bisexual, transgender (ftm) and asexual, he/him

x is pansexual, cis and demisexual, she/it

zero is omnisexual (non-binary pref.), cis and allosexual, he/it

suki doesn't understand sexualities and gender identities. she/her.

785 is a straight ally, cis and allo. he/him.

i don't even know anymoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang