lpalg part... 3

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what tje fuck
okay this one includes some cool actions that they'd do to you in certain scenarios (does that make sense? probably not. eh nobody's gonna read this anyway)

you probably know the order already

T: "Think fast! *shoots your face*"

A: "Oh my god, I found a wild dumbass! *takes about 12 pictures of you*"

X: "*spawns on your bed* You forgot to give me a good night hug."

Z: "Oh, there's something on your face- *punches your nose* Sorry, mosquito."

S: "*weakly punches your stomach* HAH, TAKE THAT, FOOWISH MORTAL! Okay now get on the fwoor and act dead!"

D: "*overheating so much that you can hear fans running inside him* You didn't just give me alcohol, did you?."

A: "*slowly turns you the other way* It's literally upsetting to look at your stupid face."

i don't even know anymoreDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora