(not so) fun facts

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they're mainly just random facts that i thought of
so yeah
i don't wanna do this but i am because i'm just like that
okay lessgo

when tsuya stabs people she likes doing it so that it's symmetrical and so, if needed, she'd stab her victim more than she should so that it's perfect.

acid secretly practices wizardry n shit. that's where his lil fire thingies came from.

x can crush a watermelon with her thighs. that's it. that's the fact.

zero has a secret collection of toy dinosaurs from when he was little. he takes good care of them and makes sure they don't rot.

suki loves dragons and would screech in delight if she ever saw one.

785 can get really fucking violent and the violence is only directed at [REDACTED]

avery watches lesbian porn/j
jk she likes to paint on her belongings so her room is really colourful.

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