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will contain detroit:become human references (i'll explain them at the end)

Tsuya works full-time as a walking corpse

Acid wants to be a magician but won't for some reason

X is a waiter at a small café, but she wants to be like fuckin Elijah Kamski, making robots and that shit

Zero works at the same café, and he wants to be like, uh... The Chloe but not.

Suki wants to be a dragon when she grows up. She'll never grow up but just let her do her

785 is technically qualified for every job, but he could work as a police officer (lol connor who)

Avery is gonna be a... Teacher! Yay :D

reference explanations:
why do i have to do this
okay elijah kamski is from d:bh, a game, and he created a massive company named cyberlife and he started producing tons and tons of robots.
the chloe's are kind of like his assistants, but i said for zero "The Chloe but not" because the chloe's are kamski's robot servants and zero isn't a robot servant
"(lol connor who)" i'm referring to the robot cop in d:bh named connor. you can probably figure out the rest

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