Above the Surface

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Within the following hours, after the three had been apprehended, they were given to be handed over to the military police or join the Scouts. After choosing the latter option, the group was brought to join the Scouts except for Y/N due to her young age. Because Y/N was young, she was given the freedom to live within HQ and did some cleaning or any help that would benefit them.

Later that day, there were many Scout soldiers gathered outside. Y/N, who was inside the building, was watching them gather from the window. Looking further, she spotted her uncle, Isabel and Furlan. Seeing them made her let out a smile.

"Attention all! From today, these three will be fighting along with you. Introduces yourselves!" The commander, Keith Sadies, announced. She heard his voice shouting across the courtyard, alarmed and frightened Y/N. Considering her upbringing and being raised by a stoic man, Y/N had shown more emotions than him rather than picking up on his traits. But the only thing she did pick up on was Levi's obsession with cleaning, which made it quite apparent that they were likely related.

Continuing to spectate them from behind, the commander soon places the trio into a man's squad named Flagon. When he heard that they were being put into his team, he seemed to disagree and thought it was better for Erwin to take them instead. Since Erwin was tasked with making new formations, the man was responsible for the recruits.

Later that day, Flagon showed Levi, Furlan and Isabel, alongside Y/N, who preferred to stick with Levi whenever he was within the building, around the HQ. At some point in showing them around, they had now entered the barracks.

"These are the barracks." Flagon said as the four followed him inside.

"There are quite a few." Furlan pointed out.

"Yay! We're in the same room!" Isabel cheered.

"Women have a separate section." Flagon told her, but she was not satisfied with that answer.

As Levi approached the bunk bed, he checked how clean they were. But he found that the boards were crumbling and dusty.

"You guys have been living in the dumps of the underground but do try to keep this place clean, especially if you got a little kid hanging around." Flagon said. Levi turned around, looking at him with a dissatisfied look and was a little angry with the insult thrown at his young niece. "Wh-What's with that look? How dare you approach a superior officer with that attitude--"

"Sorry! We got it! We'll try to keep the place clean." Furlan steps in, defusing the situation, saluting him.

"Tch! You'll begin training first thing tomorrow, got it?" He told him as he began to leave. "Your hand is upside down!"

"Don't pull any of those stunts, Levi. We've got enough eyes on us already." Furlan said, turning to Levi, who was too busy cleaning the dust off him.

"Did you not hear what that piece of shit was spouting off his piece of shit mouth?" Levi questioned.

"It's not a big deal..." Y/N said as Levi sent her a sharp glaring look which instantly shut her up from speaking even more.

"We weren't caught by accident, you know. I hope you haven't forgotten why we're here, Levi."

"Yeah, I know," Levi recalled the memory of when the man had confronted them about the job. They were told that the Scouts were likely after them and after Erwin, who held essential documents and kill him.

The following day, Levi and the two were scheduled to begin training for the Scouts.

"Can I come to watch you, Uncle?" Y/N approached Levi hoping that he would allow her to watch training.

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