Here I Go

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There I was in front of my new school, it looks like shit. From the corner of my eye I see a car with a guy with a mullet and a girl with bright red hair coming right for me and right before it hit me a moved out of the way, looks like the people here are shit too.

"Assholes!" I screamed and raised my middle finger at them that's when I decided that it was time to get this over with.

I walked in looking for the councilors office I knew I wouldn't be able to find it so I put my need to be alone all day behind me and ask someone where the councilors office is.

There was a group of guys together about 4 of them I went up to them "Hey do you know where the councilors office is?" All of them just stared at me it was very uncomfortable like they were in some sort of trance "Uh yeah um r-r-right around the c-c-corner then t-t-t-take a left," A boy with curly hair and a hat over it said to me.
What the fuck was all that stuttering for ANYWAY "Thanks? Ok bye." I want to stay as far away as I can from those boys.

I made my way to the councilors office using the directions the boy gave me and right before I could enter I felt a sudden crash and I was pushed to the floor , on the floor in front of me the same red headed girl that was in the ugly ass car that almost ran me over.

"Watch where your going," Then I saw her full features damn she was really cute like Karen Gillan and Jessica Chastain cute(I literally google red headed actresses), "Oh my god I am so sorry, I'm Max I didn't mean to," "Yeah I'm Quinn just... watch where your going," "Hey um are you new?" "Yeah, why?" " I'm new too do you maybe wanna be friends?"

At this moment I was debating which persona I would focus on, the one where I almost got ran over or the fact that she was really really cute. And it didn't take much convincing to pick cute over death.

"Yeah sure." "Great! I mean yeah that's cool."

We walked in the councilors office together and got both of our schedules, turns out we have the same classes well except for the last one I had P.E and she had Art. I don't know what it was but I was kinda disappointed.

"Hey do you want to walk to class together?" Max asked "Yeah sure whatever." We began to walk and talk and walk some more, damn how long is the fucking hallway. "Hey I'm sorry about the almost running you over thing," "Uh yeah it's nothing," I don't understand I was so mad at her and her janky car before but somehow in some way I just pushed the feeling away "My brother is a dick." "No for re-."

Before I could finish my sentence I was nudged onto the lockers, I fucking hate it here. I see two girls looking at me in disgust then just walked off what a bunch of hoes.

"Hey bitch, watch where your going" I hear a voice from my right and Max was yelling at the frog looking girls. "Ew look it's a red head she's new too completely irrelevant," The mean ugly horse face looking mean girl said "Hey look it's the hoes who don't know how to keep their big pig mouths shut, and somehow still don't know how to use face wipes completely crusty." I responded to her lifting myself off the lockers "Ugh whatever dykes." And she just walked off again, I just wanted to slap that raggity gym sock but I promised my dad that I wouldn't get in trouble like I did in my last school.

"Come on Max, we gotta go to class." I latched my arm around her should and started walking.

And there we were in front of the class with a weird overenthusiastic teacher who was introducing us to a bunch of weirdos, at least I have Max.

𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑇𝑜 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑛| Max Mayfeild x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now