thousand plushies

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jenlisa is currently at a Lotte world

Lisa: what prize do you want baby?

Jennie: I want that one *points to plush below*

Lisa: no problem baby *tries really hard to win the plush*

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Lisa: no problem baby *tries really hard to win the plush*

Jennie: you can do it poopoo!

Lisa: *finally wins the plush*

Jennie: Yay!!

kid: hey miss I wanted that plushie

Lisa: oh well my girlfriend here wants it too

kid: but I want it too

Jennie: mmm Lisa

Lisa: *looks at the kid's mom* uhh fine here you go kid enjoy it

kid: yay!!! thank you very much miss

Lisa: you're welcome kid enjoy that

Kid: *walks away*

Jennie: that was mine

Lisa: im sorry baby I can win you a new one

Jennie: but I want that one

Lisa: listen I can always get you a new one

Jennie: hm

Lisa: please baby im sorry

Jennie: no

Lisa: im sorry please

Jennie: no lets go home im tired

Lisa: as you wish

the car ride back to the dorm was quiet and tensed

Jisoo: Hey jen- why do you look so mad?

Jennie: no im fine

rose: you sure unnie you ok?

Jennie: im fine

Jennie said as she went to her and Lisa's room

Jisoo: what did you do to Jennie Lisa?

Lisa: I gave the plush I won for her to a little kid

rose: why?

Lisa: bro the kid's mom was looking at me I felt pressured so I gave it to the kid and Jennie got mad

jisoo: ohh you're fucked

rose: what are you going to do about it lili?

Lisa: I don't know

Jisoo: welp you better make your girlfriend happy

Lisa: yep

Next morning

Jennie: have you guys seen Lisa?

Jisoo: good morning to you too

Rose: I don't know im sorry Unnie

hours has past and Lisa is still no where to be found

Jennie: it's already 3pm where is she

Jisoo: text her

Jennie she won't answer her phone OMG IF SHES CHEATING IM GOING TO KILL HER *jennie starts to get possessive:


Lisa: IM HO- home? what's wrong with Jennie?

Jennie: arghhh *jumps on Lisa* where have you been all day!! are you cheating on me *punches Lisa's chest*

Lisa: hey hey im not cheating on you please stop hitting me

Jennie: just tell me the truth! you're cheating on me!! *starts to cry*

Lisa: baby I would never cheat on you *wipes Jennie's tears* but I have a surprise for you let me go grab it

10 minutes pasted

Lisa: ok mini close your eyes

Jennie: *closes eyes*

Lisa: now open

Jennie: OMG LISA

a wave a plushies rushed to Jennie's feet

Jennie: what is all of this?

Lisa: I went out this morning and won every prize at every game just for you baby

Jennie: Lisa

Lisa: I'm sorry I gave away your plush yesterday SO Im making it up by doing this

Jennie: its perfect thank you lili <3

jisoo: whipped

later that night

Lisa: which one is your favorite babe?

Jennie: this one

Jennie: this one

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Lisa: why so?

Jennie: because it reminds me of you! Monkey Lisa

Hey! thank you for reading and also happy late 5th anniversary to blackpink! I hope you liked this story:) and with that author nim is out peace

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