Secrets and a surprise

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A/N: Ok the next chapter is up thanks for waiting. Also just to let people know I will start replying to comments on every chapter of the story in the next chapter.
TillyTails: Thanks for the compliment on the story I hope I can get far with this.

The visits went on for the rest of the week and they were all pretty much the same Amy, Charmy, and Bean would come over, they would play for a little while and talk, then they would leave at the end of the day and Tails would read a few of his Dad's books before bed. After the week had ended Mogul arrived back but he seemed different, more distant, oddly serious, and even strange.

"Hey Dad are you ok?" Tails asked anxiously as Mogul wandered through the house as if he was lost.

"Don't worry about it Tails it was just a rough trip, nothing is wrong I just need to rest a little and think." Mogul answered almost emotionlessly as he sat down in his library.

Tails started to worry about his Dad but decided to shrug it off and went to go read some more.

The same thing happened for the next few days with Mogul spending a lot of time in his library and always acting distant and deep in thought.

'What's wrong with Dad he's acting really weird?' Tails asked himself as he saw his father go into the library again.

Tails decided to try and see what he was doing and sat outside the door to Mogul's library and started to hear voices.

"Master Mogul we have searched the Acorn Kingdom as fast as we could without being noticed and we found the files you wanted." A gruff voice spoke and awaited a response.

"Good job now I want you all to lay low until I summon you again now that my plans begin in a few short years without any interruption so I won't need any of you to help me with this goal." Mogul told the mysterious voice and then a flash of neon green light erupted from the inside of the the room.

After the flash Tails heard Mogul moving around and assumed he was walking toward the door so he quickly ran back upstairs to his room as fast as he little legs could carry him.

'That was close, Dad almost caught me. But what was he doing in his library and who was he talking to?' Tails asked himself as he crawled back into bed.

Tails woke up early the next morning and walked downstairs and saw Mogul reading a book on the couch.

"Good morning did you get enough sleep?" Mogul asked suspiciously as he noticed Tails reach the bottom step.

'Does he know that I was outside the library last night?' Tails thought to himself nervously but quickly regained his composure.

"Yeah Dad don't worry about it." Tails told him as he walked into a different room of the house to avoid further conversation.

Tails then went to the library to see if anything happened from the flash he saw last night.

'What was that anyway it was so bright and then it just disappeared?' Tails asked himself as he entered the library and started to look around.

Tails searched the entire room but came up with nothing which left him with a few different questions.

'So if I heard a voice in here from last night and after Dad said that he would meet him again he disappeared in a flash of light so whenever he shows up again I need to see what's going on.' Tails thought to himself as he walked out of the library and heard a knock at the door.

Mogul had heard it as well so he set his book down and left his seat to answer the door with Tails following him.

"Hello, who are you three?" Mogul asked kindly as he opened the door and saw Amy, Charmy, and Bean.

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