Chapter 6

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A/N: I am very glad you guys are loving my books lately and I'm sorry I haven't been posting; I've been very busy, but I had enough time to drop a short chapter for you guys today. Enjoy! <3


"I know, I know but it's different if you do it to me-"

"How?!" Yoongi cuts in, raising his voice a little. Hoseok stops, taken back, "Yoongi.. has no one ever had 'the talk' with you?"

"Yeah yeah, birds and bees but we're both men so I don't understand what relevance that holds in this moment." Yoongi tilted his head quizzically, the confused look on his face made Hoseok giggle.

"Not like that silly. Has no one ever had 'the talk talk' with you?" Hoseok asks, with eyebrows raised hoping for a positive response.

"I'm not following... you know that you repeating it does nothing to help me figure this out" Yoongi tilted his head the more confused he got and at some point Hoseok thought he might break his neck.

"Your parents never told you that you're a werewolf?" Hoseok finally asks whilst looking at Yoongi dumbfounded. But Yoongi just bursts out laughing, laughing so hard he rolls to his side clutching his stomach.

"Very- *laughs* - very funny Hoseok. It's not Halloween or April 4th yet so I don't know what kind of trick you're trying to pull bu-" Hoseok cuts off Yoongi's hysterical laughter.

"How can I even prove it to you, you're not of age so you won't shift yet..." Hoseok thinks out loud, scratching the back of his head as he pondered.

Yoongi's laughter died down when he realized that Hoseok wasn't laughing along with him and he has never been more confused then now. "What do you mean of age, are you trying to give me some sort of weird compliment?"

"No- no! When Omega's turn 21 they're able to connect to their wolf, shift and mate" Hoseok says plainly, Yoongi couldn't help to begin chuckling at his seriousness on this crazy topic.

"Hoseok, have you gone mad? What are you going on about?" Yoongi's voice strains as he pulls himself up, sitting up fully again.
"Ugh, talking is getting me nowhere. If I shift, you won't go running and screaming will you?" Hoseok asks, sounding a little annoyed.

"Listen. I don't run. And screaming? Don't be ridiculous. Just go ahead and show me whatever super power you're talking about" Yoongi says, pushing him off the bed. Hoseok steps back and shifts in the blink of an eye, his clothes sliding right off. Yoongi jumps up staring at the large black wolf walking cautiously up to the bed.

"Hoseok if that's you nod your head" Yoongi says shaking a little, but the wolf moves its head up and down.

"There's no way that's you. Sit" Yoongi speaks to the wolf, the wolf sits. Taking a deep breath in excitement he says, "Roll over!" The dark wolf's eyes narrow and he growls at Yoongi.

"Okay okay, can you switch back so we can talk?" Yoongi asks and he shifts back almost immediately.

"Jesus Christ! You couldn't tell me that you'd be naked before?!" Yoongi yells while covering his eyes.

"Why? We're mates. Plus, you were more than willing to see everything when you were on your knees earlier." Hoseok laughs with a confused look, eyes still narrowed at Yoongi's hands as he gets dressed.

"Mates? What do you mean? Like in those werewolf books where-" Hoseok cuts in almost immediately, "Yes but no. In the books they speak of the goddess choosing our soulmates but legend has it that we carefully picked our mates as soon as our souls were created-"

"Created by the goddess?" Yoongi asks and Hoseok nods, quietly confirming.

"So.. this is all true?" Yoongi asks nervously behind his hands. Hoseok grabs his hands, kneels down onto the floor and holds them.

"Yes but we don't have to rush things, you can even reject me as a mate but I most likely will not survive. Well neither of us wi-"

"Wait wait. What did you just say? Neither of us would survive if I rejected you?" Yoongi asks, and Hoseok's wolf whimpers just hearing those words come from his mouth.

"Y-yes" Hoseok whispers.

Yoongi removes his hands from Hoseok's. And he shuffles back on the bed.


"Can I just get a little space please?" Yoongi whispers looking the other way.

"Wait, can we just talk about this? Please." Hoseok begs while going to put his hand on Yoongi's knee.
Yoongi pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them.

"I think I deserve to have space and think about everything you just said to me."

"But-" Hoseok gets interrupted by Yoongi, "No! I don't think it's fair that you get to drop all this on me and I don't even have a choice. I basically have to risk my life for a roommate that I basically just met." Yoongi grits through his teeth, making Hoseok flinch. In his shocked state Hoseok gets up, storms out the room and slams the door behind him.


Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm sorry this was a short chapter but I had to leave you guys on a cliffhanger ;)

I am such a thirsty hoe for comments so don't be scared to drop one! ( and please vote if you like it, so I know if I should continue or not )

If I made any grammatical mistakes feel free to comment and let me know.

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