How Far? -Part 2

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Who is this.. Kofi Siriboe coming at me with his charming looks?

"So, you just gonna sit there or are you gonna invite me to sit?" He said

"Slow your roll honey, I just met you why would I invite you? I mean I already ate and from the looks of it your plate looks empty over there.." I said

"Aha- yea you right. But I'm not full yet.." he said

"Well I am, excuse me.." I said while getting up.

"Look wait I-

"What is it, what do you even want from me Mr. Siriboe? I said being sarcastic

"Chill, haven't you had someone that just wants to know you?" He said

"No! As a matter of fact I haven't not unless they want something from me. Now would you please excuse me!" I said as I finally walked out of the restaurant.

"My car please sir.." I said to the valet. Ugh what is with this guy

"Fine.. if you don't want to get to know me, at least answer my question first." He said as he stood beside me.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?.." I said exhaustedly

"Sure I will.." He said

"What is it then?" I said then looked up at him

".. When was the last time you went on a date?"

"I don't know I guess while I was in college.." I said

"..Well how about now?" He said

"Huh, but we can't I'm about to leave I can't just drop everything and just leave on the spot." I said confused.

"One date. Just one and after this I promise I will leave you alone.." He said

"But I just told you I can't just drop everything, can't we at least do this tomorrow I'll just get your number and I'll call you-

"Oh Ms. Harlow your car is ready." The Valet said

"Oh! Um- shit... oh alright just tell the driver to I'll be out for a little while longer."

All of a sudden he took my hand and we ran off together like we were in some movie! Oh my goodness what is with this man!?

Later on that night we took a stroll through Paris we even got some hot chocolate and some flaky croissants. Turns out he's sweet and really funny.

"Well I'm really impressed with this one date tonight." I said.

"No problem I just-.... I just wanted to know you is all." He said while looking at me

"Now I have a question for you." I said


"Did he send you?"  I asked.

"Did who send me?" He replied confused

"Don't play dumb with me, did my father put you up to this?!"

"Your father, I don't- who are you talking about?" He said

"I fucking knew it! You know I was starting to believe that this maybe could've been something but I guess I was wrong because it's nothing! Don't even think about following me!"

"Iman wait just hold on a second I don't know what you're talking about please just talk to me!" He said I yelled at him I was furious. I mean he's taken over my life but now you want to meddle in my love life as well no fucking thank you Dad! I signaled my driver to pick me up and take me home.

"Good bye, and good riddance.. and thanks for the box of croissants." I said looking away I got in my car and left. What the fuck... the nerve of him! Dammit! There's no time to be crying it's just one guy there's plenty out there like him! That's just the problem... it's hard to find someone like him and he only took me out once and I already feel something with him ugh what is wrong with me!?

"Where to Ms. Harlow?"

"... Just take me back to the hotel." I said

"Yes ma'am." Thirty minutes passed I finally was at the hotel

"Welcome back Ms. Harlow." The front desk clerk said.

"Have my no good of a father call my room ASAP." I said with anger

"R-right away ma'am!" He said I took the elevator to the 8th floor my room was the last one on the left. I got in took off my heels and started a shower.

I sighed to myself this sucks ass I mean really I turned on the tv so I can watch the next season of Lupin on Netflix I really love this show. I just love how he-


"Sweetheart what is the matter? Isn't it a little too late to be calling me at this hour?" He said

"You sick son of a bitch.." I said

"Iman what's the mat-

"No! I'm talking I may be your daughter and you wanna run my life the way you want okay fine but you will NOT ruin my love life! I mean come on Father.. you sent someone to go on a date with me I think not so stop trying to meddle in my love life for once just let me be me and let me love who I wanna love!" I said with rage.

"Well now I take it you finally understand of it is that I'm trying to do for you but I'm in London right now so I'm gonna let you off with a warning because I have no idea of what you are talking about..-

"Dad really you sent someone after me to go on a date with him!"

"Honey once again I'm not that type of person however if I wanted to arrange something it would've been a proposal.." He said

"So I will hang up now and call you in the morning to work some things out if that's what you want good night." He said finally

"Huh?! But wait-What the hello?" Dammit he hung up... but more importantly he didn't send Kofi after me... he was just being himself this whole time and me the fool who- oh my god.. what have I done...


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