Pizza night

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Sophie's POV:

Keefe came around and opened the door for me. I still couldn't believe he was letting me bring a book! I mean to you it may not be a big thing but coming from Keefe sencen it's huge!

We walked inside and everybody was already there. Nobody except them and his friends seemed to be there. The workers weren't even out. They were probably all in the kitchen. But Fitz and Dex were sitting on the table and Biana and linh were over at another table talking and giggling. Tam was over in a corner playing on his phone and then there was Keefe who went over and joined Dex and Fitz. And me? I went over to a back table and started reading. The book was already 5 chapters through when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Tam? What's up?"I asked

"Hey. I noticed you were by yourself and everyone was giving you looks so I decided to come over and sit with you so it doesn't look so bad. Even if you just wanna keep reading." He said. 

"Well....that's actually kinda nice." I put my book down so I could interact.

"Sooo... what made you join this group of friends out of literally anyone else?" I asked. He laughed

"Well I can tell how much you dislike them and I think I can trust you parents are making me and linh hang out with them for publicity and whatever. but some of them are nice." He smiled and looked over at Dex. Just then Dex looked over laughing and blushed when he caught Tam looking. Tam blushed too and looked away. I smirked.

"Yeah, I can tell." He rolled his eyes

"Yeah yeah shut up."

We had a whole conversation and we were laughing and everything when some guy with a nametag that said 'Bob' XD idk... came out and gave everyone their food. The whole rest of the night was pretty great. I got talking with linh, Dex, and tam all night. When I got home I explained to a worried Edaline that I went to hang out with Keef's friends and she said she was happy I was hanging out with people again. Maybe hanging out with Keefe won't be so bad...


Aaaanndddd there's another chapter!!!

Is This Real? (A Sokeefe Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now