...If Only...

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It was slowly increasing.

Starting just as a dull ache, was now slowly becoming unbearable. He kept pacing the floor, as if walking would make it go away. But, it only added to the constant difficulty to breathe.
He kept glancing at his wife who was teaching their kids how to bake. He considered telling her about it, but.....why worry her? After all he was supposed to support them, not the other way around. He would stay strong..
Who knows? Maybe it would even go away.

If only it would....

It seemed as if the pain was increasing with every passing second. He felt the urgent need to tell someone, but is reminded of his friends...how they would call him weak, for showing such pain. So once again, and not the last, he remains silent.

If only he hadn't....

The next time he wakes up is in an ambulance. It seems as if his chest is on fire. But surprisingly he sees no flame. He takes in his surroundings, but everything feels diluted. He barely registers his wife who is sitting there desperately trying to hold back tears.

If only he'd told her earlier....

His wife is pacing the hospital floor, not unlike the way he was doing earlier. She had no idea what had happened when he suddenly collapsed clutching his chest while talking about something as common as the weather. Everything was a blur after that.

She was patiently waiting for the doctor's statement, not allowing herself to think about the worst.

If only, she were true.....

Time of death: 2:00 p.m.

Cause of death: Heart attack

Real cause of death: Societal pressure.

If only our society was healthy.....

If only he could have been saved.....

I'm so sorry for such a depressing story... But I've been meaning to write something like this.. Such a possibility isn't necessarily fake.. It is possible...

Thanks guys.

My Book of One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant