The Enormous Problem

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I just couldn't believe my luck.
Of course, I'd been bullied throughout middle school and why I expected high school to be different, is still something I am not able to comprehend.
I was fat, so I'd be bullied, I had to accept that fact.
In fact, I thought, I even had.....I thought they didn't affect me anymore...but why then....why was I crying? Why had I gone running to the bathroom when the people in the cafeteria were watching me eat. Why was I fed up of the burping noises they made behind my back.
Why then, was I starving myself?

That's right, because my appearance was a problem to others. My body, was a thing to be laughed at. I wasn't beautiful the way my parents told me.
Babies having chubby cheeks is cute, guess the same thing doesn't apply when your older huh..
I was tired. So damn tired of the stares. Tired of people laughing at me. Why couldn't I make them stop? Of course, I was weak, that's why. At least that's what Marcus told me. He said, I was a waste of space, too much space that is.

I wanted to laugh with the others, not be the 'thing' they are laughing at.
I'd never made friends, apparently I was too bad for their 'social status'.....

I fell down today. No one came to help me. The did point at me though. But I don't think that's normal. I think I should stop coming to school. Stay home, and stop wasting others time.
That is until today. We had a new girl at our school today. She sat down at MY table.
Shocking, I know....She started a conversation. And for the first time in what felt like forever, I laughed. Not a forced one. A real one.
She complimented my hair. She said I looked cute. She went with me to all my classes and told bullies to scram. I knew I shouldn't get used to it, after all, she'd slowly become like one of them too..But she didn't. Day after day, she sat with me and I started opening up. I told her about how depressing my life had come.
She didn't say anything for a while and just pulled me in a hug.
She then whispered, "you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and those people who don't think the same are a waste of your time. If they can't see you for you, they are the ones suffering. Cause..believe me when I say this, they're jealous of you, that's why they push you down k?"
I just gripped her harder and nodded. No bully ever affected me again. Sure they would try to, but I'd same something back this time. They knew that I had a voice too. They'd know, they were wasting their breadth.

Somehow, my enormous problem ended up teaching me something.
No matter how big the problem may seem at the time, or no matter how many stones life throws at you, there is ALWAYS a scope to get better. We can't just give up before that. We can't just let others control our lives. We need to remember the better times, and know, that a better time WILL come. We WILL have a chance to get better, but only if we do something about it. Life is about how we want to live it, and I'm going to make it count.
Turns out, my enormous problem, wasn't very enormous at all....

Dedicated to -TaiyoS- I know your problem is different, but the message at the end is for you :)

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